Job 9


Chapter 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 10


Job Answers Bildad

9 <1> Then Job answered:

<2> "Of course, I know that is true.

But how can a human being

win an argument with God?

<3> If someone chose to argue with him,

they couldn't answer one question in a thousand!

<4> God is so wise and powerful

no one could oppose him and survive.

<5> When God is angry, he moves mountains

before they know what happened.

<6> He can shake the earth,

and it will tremble down to its foundations.

<7> With one command,

he can stop the sun from rising.

He can lock up the stars,

and they will not come out.

<8> He alone made the skies,

and he walks on the ocean waves.

<9> "God made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades.[25]

He made the planets that cross the southern sky.[26]

<10> He does things too marvelous for people to understand.

He does too many miracles to count!

<11> When he goes past me, I cannot see him.

When he goes by, I don't notice him.

<12> If he takes something away,

no one can stop him.

No one can say to him,

'What are you doing?'

<13> God will not hold his anger back.

Even Rahab's[27] helpers are afraid of God.

<14> So I cannot argue with God.

I wouldn't know what to say to him.

<15> I am innocent,

but I cannot give him an answer.

All I can do is beg my Judge for mercy.

<16> Even if I called and he answered,

I still wouldn't believe that he really would listen to me.

<17> He would just send storms to crush me.

He would just give me more wounds for no reason.

<18> He wouldn't let me catch my breath again.

He would just give me more trouble.

<19> I cannot defeat God.

He is too powerful!

I cannot take him to court

and force him to be fair to me.

Who could force God to come to court?

<20> I am innocent,

but anything I say makes me seem guilty.

I am innocent,

but if I speak, my mouth proves me guilty.

<21> I am innocent,

but I don't know what to think.

I hate my own life.

<22> I say to myself,

'The same thing happens to everyone.

Innocent people die just as the guilty.

God ends all their lives.'

<23> Does God just laugh

when some disaster kills innocent people?

<24> Is it God who keeps the leaders from seeing

when some evil person takes control?

If it is not him, who is it?

<25> "My days are passing faster than a runner.

They are flying by without happiness.

<26> They go by as quickly as papyrus[28] boats,

as fast as an eagle swooping down on its prey.

<27> "If I say, 'I will not complain,

I will forget my pain,

I will put a smile on my face,'

<28> the suffering still scares me,

and I know I cannot win.

<29> I would lose any argument with God,

so why should I even think about it.

I would be found guilty.

<30> Even if I scrubbed my hands with soap

and washed myself whiter than snow,

<31> God would still push me into the slime pit,[29]

so even my clothes would hate to touch me.

<32> God is not a human like me,

so if we met together in court,

I couldn't answer him

as I would another man.

<33> I wish there were someone

to listen to both sides.[30]

I wish there were someone

to judge both of us in a fair way.

<34> I wish there were someone to take away

the rod that God uses to punish me.

Then he would not scare me any more.

<35> Then I could say what I wanted to say

without being afraid of him.

But I cannot do that now.
