Job 37


Chapter 361 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 38


37 <1> "The thunder and lightning frighten me;

my heart pounds in my chest.

<2> Listen to God's thundering voice!

Listen to sound coming from his mouth.

<3> He sends his lightning

to flash across the whole sky.

It lights up the whole earth.

<4> After the flashes of lightning

you can hear his roaring voice.

He thunders with his wonderful voice!

After the lightning flashes,

His voice thunders.

<5> God's thundering voice is wonderful!

He does great things that we cannot understand.

<6> He says to the snow,

'Fall on the earth.'

And he says to the rain,

'Pour down on the earth.'

<7> God does that to prove

to the people he made what he can do.

<8> The animals run into their dens and stay there.

<9> Whirlwinds come from the south.

The cold winds come from the north.

<10> God's breath makes ice

and freezes the oceans.

<11> He fills the clouds with water

and scatters these thunderclouds.

<12> He orders the clouds

to blow all around the earth.

The clouds do whatever he commands.

<13> He brings out the clouds

to punish people with floods

or to water his earth

or to show his love.

<14> "Job, stop for a minute and listen.

Think about the wonderful things God does.

<15> Do you know how God controls the clouds?

Do you know how he makes his lightning flash?

<16> Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky?

Well, they are just one of the things that were made

by the one who knows everything.

<17> All you know is that you sweat,

your clothes stick to you,

and everything is still and quiet when the heat wave comes from the south.

<18> Can you help God spread out the sky,

and make it shine like polished brass?

<19> "Job, tell us what we should say to God!

We cannot think of what to say

because of our ignorance.[86]

<20> I wouldn't tell God

that I wanted to talk to him.

That would be like asking

to be destroyed.

<21> A person cannot look at the sun.

It is very bright as it shines in the sky

after the wind blows the clouds away.

<22> In the same way God's golden glory

shines from the Holy Mountain.[87]

There is a bright light around him.

<23> We have seen that God All-Powerful

really is all powerful!

He does not respond to us

when we try to sue him for justice!

<24> That is why people

fear and respect him.

God does not fear and respect

those who think they are wise."
