Job 40


Chapter 391 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 41


40 <1> The Lord answered Job and said to him:

<2> "You wanted to argue with God All-Powerful.

You wanted to correct me

and prove that I was wrong.

So give me your answer!"

<3> Then Job answered the Lord and said:

<4> "I am too insignificant to speak!

What can I say to you?

I cannot answer you!

I will put my hand over my mouth.

<5> I spoke once, but I will not speak again.

I spoke twice, but I will not say anything more."

<6> Then the Lord again spoke to Job from the storm:

<7> "Brace yourself[106]

and get ready to answer the questions that I will ask you.

<8> "Do you think that I am not fair?

You say that I am guilty of doing wrong

so that you will appear innocent!

<9> Are your arms as strong as mine?

Do you have a voice like mine

that sounds loud like thunder?

<10> If you are like God,

you can be proud.

If you are like God

you can wear glory and honor like clothes.

<11> If you are like God,

you can show your anger

and punish those who are proud.

Make them humble.

<12> Yes, look at the proud

and make them humble.

Crush those wicked people where they stand.

<13> Bury them all in the dirt.

Wrap their bodies up and put them in their graves.

<14> If you can do all these things,

even I will praise you.

And I will admit that you are able

to save yourself with your own power.

<15> "Look at the behemoth.[107]

I made the behemoth, and I made you.

The behemoth eats grass like a cow.

<16> The behemoth has much strength in his body.

The muscles in his stomach are very powerful.

<17> The behemoth's tail stands strong like a cedar tree.

His leg muscles are very strong.

<18> His bones are strong like bronze.

His legs are like iron bars.

<19> The behemoth is the most amazing animal that I made,

but I can defeat him.

<20> The behemoth eats the grass

that grows on the hills

where the wild animals play.

<21> The behemoth lies under the lotus plants.[108]

He hides in the reeds in the swamp.

<22> The lotus plants hide the behemoth in their shade.

He lives under the willow trees that grow near the river.

<23> If the river floods, the behemoth will not run away.

He is not afraid if the Jordan River splashes on his face.

<24> No one can blind the behemoth's eyes

and catch him in a trap.
