Job 6


Chapter 51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 7


Job Answers Eliphaz

6 <1-2> Then Job answered:

"If my suffering could be weighed,

and all my trouble could be

put on the weighing scales,

<3> you would understand my sadness.

My sadness would be heavier

than all the sand of the seas!

That is why my words seem foolish.

<4> God All-Powerful's arrows are in me.

My spirit feels the poison from his arrows!

God's terrible weapons are lined up against me.

<5> [Your words are easy to say

when nothing bad has happened.]

Even a wild donkey does not complain

when it has grass to eat.

And a cow does not complain

when it has its food.

<6> Food without salt does not taste good,

and the white of an egg has no taste.

<7> I refuse to touch it;

that kind of food makes me sick!

[And that is what your words are like to me now.]

<8> "I wish I could have what I ask for.

I wish God would give me what I want.

<9> I wish he would crush me,

just go ahead and kill me!

<10> Then I would be comforted by one thing:

even through all this pain,

I never refused to obey the commands of the Holy One.

<11> "My strength is gone,

so I have no hope to go on living.

I have nothing to look forward to,

so why should I be patient?

<12> I am not strong like a rock.

My body is not made from bronze.

<13> I don't have the power to help myself.

That is because all my success has been taken away from me.

<14> "Friends should remain loyal in times of trouble,

even if you turn away from God All-Powerful.[19]

<15> But you, my brothers, have not been loyal.

I cannot depend on you.

You are like a riverbed

that is empty when the weather is dry

and flooded when the rains come.

<16> In the winter, it is choked with ice and melting snow.

<17> But when the weather is hot and dry,

the water stops flowing and the stream disappears.

<18> It twists and turns along the way

and then disappears out in the desert.

<19> Traders from Tema search for it.

Travelers from Sheba hope to find it.

<20> They are sure they can find water,

but they will be disappointed.

<21> Now, you are like those streams.

You see my troubles and are afraid.

<22> Did I ask for your help? No!

But you freely gave me your advice!

<23> Did I say to you,

'Save me from the enemy!

Save me from cruel people!'

<24> "So now, teach me,

and I will be quiet.

Show me what I have done wrong.

<25> Honest words are powerful,

but your arguments prove nothing.

<26> Do you plan to criticize me?

Will you speak more tiring words?

<27> Are you the kind of people

who would gamble for orphans

and sell out your own friends?

<28> Now, look me in the face

and see that I am telling the truth!

<29> Change your mind

and stop being so cruel!

Think again and realize I am innocent.

<30> I am not lying.

I know right from wrong.
