Job 41


Chapter 401 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 42


41 <1> "Can you catch Leviathan[109] with a fishhook?

Can you tie his tongue with a rope?

<2> Can you put a rope through his nose,

or a hook through his jaw?

<3> Will Leviathan beg you to let him go free?

Will he speak to you with gentle words?

<4> Will he make an agreement with you

and promise to serve you forever?

<5> Will you play with Leviathan

as you would play with a bird?

Will you put a rope on him

so your servant girls can play with him?

<6> Will fishermen try to buy

him from you?

Will they cut him into pieces

and sell him to the merchants[110]?

<7> Can you throw spears

into his skin or head?

<8> "If you ever lay a hand on Leviathan,

you will never do it again!

Just think about the battle that would be!

<9> Do you think you can defeat him?

Well, forget it!

There is no hope!

Just looking at him will scare you!

<10> No one is brave enough to wake him up

and make him angry.

"Well, no one can challenge me either![111]

<11> I owe nothing to anyone.

Everything under heaven belongs to me.[112]

<12> "I will tell you about Leviathan's legs,

his strength and graceful shape.

<13> No one can pierce his skin.

His skin is like armor![113]

<14> No one can force him to open his jaws.

The teeth in his mouth scare people.

<15> His back has rows of shields

tightly sealed together.

<16> The shields are so close to each other

that no air can pass between them.

<17> The shields are joined to each other.

They hold together so tightly

that they cannot be pulled apart.

<18> When Leviathan sneezes,

it is like lightning flashing out.

His eyes shine like the light of dawn.

<19> Burning torches come out from his mouth.

Sparks of fire shoot out.

<20> Smoke pours from his nose

like burning weeds under a boiling pot.

<21> His breath makes coals burn,

and flames shoot from his mouth.

<22> His neck is very powerful.

People are afraid and run away from him.

<23> There is no soft spot in his skin.

It is hard like iron.

<24> His heart is like a rock;

he has no fear.

It is hard like a lower millstone.[114]

<25> When he gets up,

strong people[115] are afraid.

They run away

when he swings his tail.

<26> Swords, spears, and darts hit him,

but they only bounce off.

These weapons don't hurt him at all!

<27> He breaks iron as easily as straw.

He breaks bronze like rotten wood.

<28> Arrows don't make him run away.

Rocks bounce off him like straw.

<29> When a wood club hits him,

it feels like a piece of straw to him.

He laughs when men throw spears at him.

<30> The skin on his belly

is like sharp pieces of broken pottery.

He leaves tracks in the mud

like a threshing[116] board.

<31> He stirs up the water like a boiling pot.

He makes it bubble like a pot of boiling oil.

<32> When he swims,

he leaves a path behind himself.

He stirs up the water,

and leaves white foam behind him.

<33> No animal on earth is like him.

He is an animal made without fear.

<34> He looks down on the proudest of animals.

He is king over all the wild animals.

[And I, the Lord, made Leviathan!]"
