Job 27


Chapter 261 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 28


27 <1> Then Job continued telling his story:

<2> "God All-Powerful has been unfair to me;

he has made my life bitter.

But I swear by his life,

<3> as long as I have the breath of life in me,

as long as God's spirit is in my nostrils,

<4> I will not be a hypocrite.[63]

I will not lie.

<5> And by God,

I will never say you men are right!

I will maintain my integrity until the day I die.

<6> I will hold onto my innocence and will not let go!

I will not be untrue to myself as long as I live!

<7> People have stood against me.

May my enemies be punished

like bad men should be punished.

<8> What hope does a hypocrite have when it is time to die?

They have no hope

when God takes their life away.

<9> When they have troubles,

they might cry to God for help,

but he will not listen to them!

<10> They should have enjoyed

talking with God All-Powerful.

They should have prayed to God all the time.

<11> "I will teach you about God's power.

I will not hide God All-Powerful's plans.

<12> You have seen God's power with your own eyes.

So why do you say such useless things?

<13>[64] "This is what God planned for evil people.

This is what cruel people will get from God All-Powerful:

<14> They might have many children,

but their children will be killed in war.

Their children will not have enough to eat.

<15> All of their children will die,

and the widows will not be sad.

<16> Evil people might get so much silver

that it is like dirt to them.

They might have so many clothes

that they are like piles of clay.

<17> But those piles of clothes will be worn

by those who do right.

All that silver will be given

to those who have done no wrong.

<18> Evil people might build houses,

but they will not last a long time.

They will be like a spider's web

or a guard's tent.

<19> Evil people might be rich when they go to bed,

but when they open their eyes, all their riches will be gone.

<20> They will be scared.

It will be like a flood, like a storm came

and carried everything away.

<21> The east wind will carry them away,

and they will be gone.

The storm will sweep them out of their homes.

<22> Evil people might try to run away

from the power of the storm.

But the storm will hit them without mercy.

<23> Men will clap their hands

as the evil people run away.

They will whistle at them

as they run from their homes."
