Job 10


Chapter 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 11


10 <1> "I hate my own life,

so I will complain freely.

My soul is very bitter,

so now I will speak.

<2> I will say to God:

'Don't just say I am guilty!

Tell me what I did wrong.

What do you have against me?

<3> Do you enjoy hurting me?

Do you enjoy ignoring me

while smiling at what evil people say?

<4> God, do you have human eyes?

Do you see things the way people do?

<5> Is your life as short as ours?

Is your life as short as a man's life?

No! [So how do you know what it's like?]

<6> You look for my wrong

and search for my sin.

<7> You know I am innocent,

but no one can save me from your power!

<8> Your hands made me

and shaped my body.

But now they are closing around me

and squeezing me to death!

<9> Remember, you molded me like clay.

Will you turn me into clay again?

<10> You poured me out like milk.

You spun me around and squeezed me

like someone making cheese.

<11> You put me together with bones and muscles,

and then you clothed me with skin and flesh.

<12> You gave me life and were very kind to me.

You cared for me and watched over my spirit.

<13> But this is what you hid in your heart.

Now I know what you were planning for me:

<14> If I sinned, you would be watching me,

so you could punish me for doing wrong.

<15> If I sin, I am guilty

and I should be cursed.

But I cannot lift up my head

even when I am innocent!

I am so ashamed and embarrassed.

<16> If I have any success and feel proud,

you hunt me down like a lion,

and show your power over me.

<17> You bring witness after witness

to prove that I am wrong.

Again and again you show your anger

as you send army after army against me.

<18> So why did you let me be born?

I wish I had died before anyone saw me.

<19> I wish I had never lived.

I wish they had carried me

from my mother's womb straight to the grave.

<20> My life is almost finished.

So leave me alone!

Let me enjoy the little time I have left,

<21> before I go to the place of no return.

that place of death and darkness.

<22> Let me enjoy the little time I have left

before I go to the place no one can see,

that place of darkness, shadows, and confusion.

In that place even the light is dark.'"
