Job 23


Chapter 221 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 24


Job Answers

23 <1> Then Job answered:

<2> "I am still complaining today,

because I am still suffering.

<3> I wish I knew where to find God.

I wish I knew how to go to him!

<4> I would present my case to him.

I would give my arguments to show that I am innocent.

<5> He could give his response,

and I would understand.

I would listen closely to what he says.

<6> Would God use his power against me?

No, he would listen to me!

<7> I am an honest man.

God would let me tell my story.

Then my Judge would set me free!

<8> "But if I go to the east,

God is not there.

If I go to the west,

I still don't see God.

<9> When God is working in the north,

I don't see him.

When God turns to the south,

I still don't see him.

<10> But God knows me.

He is testing me and he will see

that I am as pure as gold.

<11> I have always lived the way God wants.

I have never stopped following him.

<12> I always obey his commands.

I love the words from his mouth more than I love my food.

<13> "But God never changes.

No one can stand against him.

He does anything he wants.

<14> He will do what he planned to me,

and he has many other plans for me.

<15> That is why I am afraid of God.

I understand these things.

That is why I am afraid of him.

<16> God makes my heart weak,

and I lose my courage.

God All-Powerful makes me afraid.

<17> The bad things that happened to me

are like a black cloud over my face.

But that darkness will not keep me quiet.
