Job 11


Chapter 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 12


Zophar Speaks to Job

11 <1> Then Zophar from Naamah answered Job and said:

<2> "This flood of words should be answered!

Does all this talking make Job right?

<3> Do you think we don't have

an answer for you?

Do you think no one will warn you

when you laugh at God?

<4> You say to God,

'My arguments are right,

and you can see I am pure.'

<5> I wish God would answer you

and tell you that you are wrong.

<6> He could tell you the secret of wisdom.

He would tell you that every story has two sides.

Listen to me,

God is not punishing you as much as he should.

<7> "Do you think you really understand God?

Do you completely understand God All-Powerful?

<8> That knowledge is higher than the heavens

and deeper than the place of death.

So what can you do?

How can you learn it all?

<9> It is greater than the earth

and bigger than the seas.

<10> "If God decides to arrest you,

and to bring you to court,

then no one could stop him.

<11> God knows who is worthless.

When he sees evil, he remembers it.

<12> A wild donkey cannot give birth to a man,

and a stupid person will never become wise.

<13> Prepare your heart to serve only God.

Lift your arms and pray to him.

<14> Put away the sin that you still hold on to.

Don't keep evil in your tent.

<15> If you would do that,

you could look to God without shame.

You could stand strong and not be afraid.

<16> Then you could forget your troubles,

like water that has already passed by.

<17> Then your life would be brighter

than the sunshine at noon.

Life's darkest hours would shine

like the morning sun.

<18> Then you would feel safe,

because there would be hope.

God would care for you and give you rest.

<19> You could lie down to rest,

and no one would bother you.

Many people would come to you for help.

<20> Evil people might look for help,

but they will not escape their troubles.

Their hope leads only to death."
