Job 18


Chapter 171 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 19


Bildad Answers Job

18 <1> Then Bildad from Shuah answered:

<2> "When will you stop talking?

Be sensible.

Let us say something.

<3> Why do you think we are stupid like dumb cows?

<4> Your anger is only hurting yourself.

Do you think this world was made only for you?

Do you think God should move mountains just to satisfy you?

<5> "Yes, the light of the evil people will go out.

Their fire will stop burning.

<6> The light in their houses will become dark.

The lamps next to them will go out.

<7> Their steps will not be strong and fast again,

but they will walk slowly and be weak.

Their own evil plans will make them fall.

<8> Their own feet will lead them into a trap.

They will walk into a trap and be caught.

<9> A trap will catch their heels and hold them tight.

<10> A rope in the ground will trap them.

A trap is waiting in their path.

<11> Terror is waiting for them all around.

Fears will follow every step they take.

<12> Bad troubles are hungry for them.

Ruin and disaster are ready for them when they fall.

<13> Diseases will eat away their skin.

Death's Firstborn[40] will eat their arms and legs.

<14> The evil people will be taken away

from the safety of their own houses.

They will be led away to meet

the King of Terrors.[41]

<15> They will be in their new homes

with none of their belongings.

Sulfur will be sprinkled over their new fields.

<16> Their roots below will dry up,

and their branches above will die.

<17> People on earth will not remember them.

Their names will be forgotten.

<18> People will push them away

from the light into the darkness.

They will chase them out of this world.

<19> They will have no children or grandchildren.

None of their people will be left alive.

<20> People in the west will be shocked

when they hear what happened to them.

People in the east will be numb with fear.

<21> This really will happen

to the homes of the evil people.

This is what will happen to those who

don't care about God!"
