Job 36


Chapter 351 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 37


36 <1> Elihu continued talking. He said:

<2> "Be patient with me a little longer.

God has a few more words that he wants me to say.

<3> I will share my knowledge with everyone.

I will prove that my Maker is right.

<4> Job, I am telling the truth.

I know what I am talking about.

<5> "God is very powerful,

but he does not hate people.

He is very powerful,

but he is also very wise.

<6> He will not let evil people live.

He brings justice to the poor.

<7> He watches over those who live right.

He lets them rule in high places.

<8> So if people are punished,

if they are tied with chains and ropes,

they did something wrong.

<9> And God will tell them what they did.

He will tell him that they sinned.

He will tell him that they were proud.

<10> He will force them to listen to his warning.

He will command them to stop sinning.

<11> If they serve and obey him,

he will make them successful

and they will live a happy life.

<12> But if they refuse to obey him,

they will be destroyed.

They will die like fools.

<13> "People who don't care about God

are always bitter.

Even when he punishes them,

they refuse to pray to him for help.

<14> They will die when they are still young,

like the male prostitutes.

<15> God could rescue the poor

from all their troubles.

But he uses these pressures

to open their ears so that they will listen to him.

<16> "In fact, God wants to help you out of your troubles.

He wants to take away your burdens

that are crushing you.

He wants to load your table with plenty of food.

<17> But you are full of this talk

about guilt, justice and legal decisions!

<18> Job, don't let your anger

fill you with doubt about God.

And don't let the price of forgiveness turn you away.

<19> Do you think it helps to deny that you are in trouble?

Does this show of strength set things right?

<20> Don't be one of those who wish darkness would quickly come to cover them.

People try to disappear into the night.[85]

<21> Job, you have suffered a lot,

but don't choose evil.

Be careful not to do wrong.

<22> "Look, God's power makes him great!

He is the greatest teacher of all.

<23> No one can tell him what to do.

No one can say to him,

'God, you have done wrong.'

<24> Remember to praise him for what he has done.

People have written many songs praising God.

<25> Everyone can see what he has done,

even people in faraway countries.

<26> Yes, God is great.

But we cannot understand his greatness.

We don't know how long he has lived.

<27> "God takes up water from the earth

and changes it into mist and rain.

<28> So the clouds pour out the water,

and the rain falls on many people.

<29> No one can understand

how he spreads the clouds out

or how the thunder rumbles from his home in the sky.

<30> Look, he spread lightning over the earth

and covered the deepest part of the ocean.

<31> He uses them to control the nations

and to give them plenty of food.

<32> He grabs the lightning with his hands,

and commands it to hit where he wants.

<33> The thunder warns that a storm is coming.

So even the cattle know it is coming.
