Job 8


Chapter 71 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 9


Bildad Speaks to Job

8 <1> Then Bildad from Shuah answered:

<2> "How long will you talk like that?

Your words are nothing but hot air!

<3> God is always fair.

God All-Powerful does what is right.

<4> If your children sinned against God,

he punished them.

They paid for their sins.

<5> But now, look to God

and pray to the All-Powerful.

<6> If you are pure and good,

he will quickly come to help you.

He will give your family back to you.

<7> Then you will have a lot more

than you had in the beginning!

<8> "Ask the old people.

Find out what their ancestors[23] learned.

<9> It seems as though we were born yesterday.

We are too young to know for sure.

Our days on earth are very short, like a shadow.

<10> Maybe the old people can tell you about it.

Maybe they will teach you what they learned.

<11> "Can papyrus[24] grow tall on a dry land?

Can reeds grow without water?

<12> No, they will dry up before harvest.

They will be too small to cut and use.

<13> People who forget God are like that.

Those who oppose him have no hope.

<14> They have nothing to trust in.

Their courage will snap like a spider's web

<15> when someone leans against it.

They might reach out to it for support,

but it will break and they will fall.

<16> People are like a grapevine.

If it has plenty of water and sunshine,

its branches will spread throughout the garden.

<17> Its roots will spread among the rocks,

searching for good soil.

<18> But if you move it, it will die,

and you couldn't tell it had been there.

<19> Everything might have been going well,

but another vine will take its place.

<20> God does not support evil people

and he does not abandon the innocent.

<21> So perhaps you might laugh again.

Maybe shouts of joy will come from your lips.

<22> Maybe your enemies will be humiliated,

and the homes of the wicked will be destroyed."
