Job 42

Job, the Good Man

Chapter 411 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Psa 1


Job Answers the Lord

42 <1> Then Job answered the Lord:

<2> "I know you can do everything.

You make plans, and nothing

can change or stop your plans.

<3> You asked this question:

'Who is this ignorant person

that is saying these foolish things?'[117]

I talked about things

that I didn't understand.

I talked about things that were

too amazing for me to understand.

<4> "You said to me,

'Listen, and I will speak.

I will ask you questions,

and you will answer me.'

<5> In the past I heard about you,

but now I have seen you with my own eyes.

<6> And I am ashamed of myself.[118]

I am so sorry.

As I sit in the dust and ashes,[119]

I promise to change my heart and my life."


The Lord Gives Job's Wealth Back

<7> After the Lord finished talking to Job, he spoke to Eliphaz from Teman. He said to Eliphaz, "I am angry with you and your two friends, because you didn't tell the truth about me as Job did. <8> So now Eliphaz, get seven bulls and seven rams. Take them to my servant Job. Kill them and offer them as a burnt offering[120] for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will answer his prayer. Then I will not give you the punishment you deserve. You should be punished because you were very foolish. You didn't say right things about me. But my servant Job said right things about me."

<9> So Eliphaz from Teman, and Bildad from Shuah, and Zophar from Naamah obeyed the Lord. Then the Lord answered Job's prayer.

<10> Job prayed for his friends, and the Lord made Job successful again. God gave Job twice as much as he had before. <11> Then all his brothers and sisters and all the people who knew him before came to his house. They all ate a big meal with him. They comforted him and were sorry that the Lord had brought him so much trouble. Each person gave Job a piece of silver[121] and a gold ring.

<12> The Lord blessed Job with even more than he had in the beginning. Job got 14,000 sheep, 6000 camels, 2000 oxen, and 1000 female donkeys. <13> He also got seven sons and three daughters. <14> He named the first daughter Jemimah and the second daughter Keziah. He named the third daughter Keren Happuch. <15> Job's daughters were among the most beautiful women in all the country. He even gave part of his property to his daughters. They each got a share of the property,[122] just as their brothers had.

<16> So Job lived for 140 years more. He lived to see his children, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren, and his great-great-grandchildren. <17> Job lived to be a very old man who had lived a good, long life.
