Job 16


Chapter 151 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 17


Job Answers Eliphaz

16 <1> Then Job answered:

"I have heard

<2> all these things before.

You three men give me trouble, not comfort.

<3> Your long speeches never end!

Why do you continue arguing?

<4> I also could say the same things you say,

if you had my troubles.

I could say wise things against you

and shake my head at you.

<5> But I could encourage you

and give you hope with the things I say.

<6> "Nothing I say makes my pain go away.

But keeping quiet does not help either.

<7> God, you surely took away my strength.

You destroyed my whole family.

<8> You have made me thin and weak,

and people think that means I am guilty.

<9> "God attacks me;

he is angry with me and tears my body apart.

He grinds his teeth against me.

My enemy looks at me with hate.

<10> People have crowded around me.

They make fun of me and slap my face.

<11> God has given me to evil people.

He let the wicked hurt me.

<12> Everything was fine with me,

but then God crushed me.

Yes, he took me by the neck

and broke me into pieces.

He used me for target practice.

<13> His archers[35] are all around me.

He shoots arrows in my kidneys.

He shows no mercy.

He spills my gall[36] on the ground.

<14> Again and again God attacks me.

He runs at me like a soldier in battle.

<15> "I am very sad,

so I wear these clothes of sadness.

I sit here in the dust and ashes,

and I feel defeated.

<16> My face is red from crying.

There are dark rings around my eyes.

<17> I was never cruel to anyone.

My prayers are pure.

<18> "Earth, don't hide the wrong things

that were done to me.[37]

Don't let my begging for fairness be stopped.

<19> Even now there is someone in heaven

who will speak for me.

There is someone above

who will testify for me.

<20> My friend speaks for me

while my eyes pour out tears to God.

<21> He speaks to God for me

like someone[38] presenting an argument for a friend.

<22> "In only a few years I will go to that

place of no return.
