
《比利时信条》第十八条 论耶稣基督的道成肉身


《比利时信条》第十八条 论耶稣基督的道成肉身



   1.创26:4; 撒下7:12-16; 诗132:11; 路1:55; 徒13:23.
   3.提前2:5; 提前3:16; 来2:14.
   4.林后5:21; 来7:26; 彼前2:22. 
   5.太1:18; 路1:35.


  We confess, therefore, that God has fulfilled the promise He made to the fathers by the mouth of His holy prophets when, at the time appointed by Him, He sent into the world His own only-begotten and eternal son, who took the form of a servant and was born in the likeness of men. He truly assumed a real human nature with all its infirmities, without sin, for He was conceived in the womb of the blessed virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by the act of a man. He not only assumed human nature as to the body, but also a true human soul, in order that He might be a real man. For since the soul was lost as well as the body, it was necessary that He should assume both to save both.

  Contrary to the heresy of the Anabaptists, who deny that Christ assumed human flesh of His mother, we therefore confess that Christ partook of the flesh and blood of the children.

  He is a fruit of the loins of David;born of the seed of David according to the flesh;a fruit of the womb of the virgin Mary;born of woman;a branch of David;a shoot from the stump of Jesse;sprung from the tribe of Judah;descended from the Jews according to the flesh;of the seed of Abraham, since the Son was concerned with the descendants of Abraham. Therefore He had to be made like His brethren in every respect, yet without sin.In this way He is in truth our Immanuel, that is, God with us.
——2022年02月26日 ,谢谢你的浏览,福音家园-知识栏目, 你可以查阅更多关于 比利时信条   历代信条   教会   三位一体真神   神的属性   公义   真理   教会   分辨 的内容,本文网址 https://zyesu.com/zhishi/20045.htm






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