Isaiah 63

Chapter 621 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Chapter 64


The Lord Judges His People

63 <1> Who is this coming from Edom[499]?

Who is this coming from Bozrah[500]?

His clothes are stained bright red.

He is glorious in his clothes.

He is walking tall with his great power.

He says, "I have the power to save you,

and I speak the truth."

<2> "Why are your clothes bright red?

They are like the clothes of someone

who walks on grapes to make wine."

<3> He answers,

"I walked in the winepress[501] by myself.

No one helped me.

I was angry, and I walked on the grapes.

The juice[502] splashed on my clothes, so now they are dirty.

<4> I chose a time to punish people.

Now the time has come for me

to save and protect my people.

<5> I looked around, but I saw no one to help me.

I was surprised that no one supported me.

So I used my own power

to save my people.

My own anger supported me.

<6> While I was angry, I walked on people.

I punished them in anger and spilled their blood[503] on the ground."


The Lord Has Been Kind to His People

<7> I will remember that the Lord is kind,

and I will remember to praise the Lord.

He gave many good things to the family of Israel.

He has been very kind to us.

He showed mercy to us.

<8> The Lord said,

"These are my people.

These are my real children."

So he saved them.

<9> The people had many troubles,

but the Lord was not against them.

He loved the people and felt sorry for them,

so he saved them.

He sent his special angel to save them.

He picked them up and carried them,

like he did long ago.

<10> But they turned against him

and made his Holy Spirit very sad.

So the Lord became their enemy

and fought against them.

<11> Then they remembered

what happened a long time ago.

They remembered Moses and those with him.

So where is the one who brought them through the sea?

Where are the shepherds who led his flock?

Where is the one who put his Spirit in Moses?

<12> He was by Moses' side and led him with his wonderful hand.

He divided the water,

so the people could walk through the sea.

He made his name famous

by doing those great things.

<13> He led the people through the deep sea.

They walked without falling,

like a horse through the desert.

<14> The Spirit of the Lord led them,

like cattle going down to the valley.

Lord, that is how you led your people

and made your name wonderful.


A Prayer for God to Help His People

<15> Lord, look down from the heavens.

See what is happening now.

Look down at us from your great and holy home in heaven.

Where is your strong love[504] for us?

Where is your compassion?

Why are you hiding your kind love from me?

<16> Look, you are our father!

Abraham does not know us.

Israel[505] does not recognize us.

Lord, you are our father!

You are the one who has always saved us!

<17> Lord, why are you pushing us

away from you?

Why are you making it hard

for us to follow you?

Come back to us!

We are your servants.

Come to us and help us!

Our tribes belong to you.

<18> Your holy people lived in their land

only a short time.

Then our enemies walked on

your holy Temple.[506]

<19> Some people don't follow you.

They don't wear your name.

And we have been like them

for a very long time.
