Isaiah 20

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Assyria Will Defeat Egypt and Ethiopia

20 <1> Sargon[199] was the king of Assyria.[200] He sent Tarton[201] to fight against Ashdod. Tarton went there and captured the city. <2> At that time the Lord spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said, "Go, take the cloth of sadness off your waist and take your sandals off your feet." So Isaiah obeyed the Lord and went without clothes or sandals.

<3> Then the Lord said, "My servant, Isaiah has gone without clothes or sandals for three years. This is a sign for Egypt and Ethiopia. <4> The king of Assyria will defeat Egypt and Ethiopia. Assyria will take prisoners and lead them away from their countries. The people, young and old, will be led away without clothes or sandals. They will be completely naked. <5> Those who looked to Ethiopia for help will be shattered. Those who were amazed by Egypt's glory will be ashamed."

<6> People living along the coast will say, "We trusted those countries to help us. We ran to them so that they would rescue us from the king of Assyria. But look at them. They have been captured, so how can we escape?"
