Isaiah 21

Chapter 201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Chapter 22


God's Message to Babylon

21 <1> This is a message[202] about the Sea Desert[203]:

It is coming like a storm blowing

through the Negev.[204]

It is coming in from the desert,

from a frightening nation.

<2> I was given a vision

about the hard times that will come.

I see traitors turning against you.

I see people taking your wealth.

Elam, go against them!

Media, surround the city!

I will put an end to all their moaning.

<3> I saw those terrible things,

and now I am afraid.

My fear makes my stomach hurt,

like the pain of giving birth.

What I hear scares me.

What I see makes me shake with fear.

<4> I am worried and shaking with fear.

My pleasant evening has become

a nightmare.

<5> People are rushing around shouting their orders.

"Set the table!

Post the guard!

Get something to eat and drink!

Officers, get up!

Polish your shields!"

<6> My Master said to me, "Go find someone to guard this city. He must report whatever he sees. <7> Whether he sees a chariot and a team of horses or men riding donkeys or camels, he must listen carefully."[205]

<8> Then one day the watchman[206] called out,

"My Master, every day I have been in the watchtower[207] watching.

Every night I have been standing on duty, but .

<9> Look! I see a man in a chariot with a team of horses.[208]"

The messenger said,

"Babylon has been defeated

and has fallen to the ground.

All the statues of her false gods

were thrown to the ground and broken to pieces."

<10> [Isaiah said,] "My crushed people, I have told you everything that I heard from the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You will be like the grain crushed on my threshing[209] floor."


God's Message to Edom

<11> This is a message about Dumah[210]:

There is someone calling to me from Seir.[211]

"Guard, how much of the night is left?

How much longer will it be night?"

<12> The guard answered,

"Morning is coming,

but then night will come again.

If you have something to ask, ask it.

Come back[212] again."


God's Message to Arabia

<13> This is a message about Arabia:

A caravan[213] from Dedan spent the night

near some trees in the Arabian desert.

<14> They gave water to some thirsty travelers.

The people of Tema gave them food.

<15> They were running from swords

that were ready to kill.

They were running from bows

that were ready to shoot.

They were running from a hard battle.

<16> The Lord my Master told me this would happen. He said, "In one year, the way a hired helper counts time, all Kedar's[214] glory will be gone. <17> Only a few of the archers,[215] the great soldiers of Kedar, will be left alive." The Lord, the God of Israel, told me this.
