[1] 1:1 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[2] 1:1 Uzziah A king of Judah who ruled with his father Amaziah from 792 to 767 b.c., and then from 767 to 740 b.c.

[3] 1:1 Jotham A king of Judah who ruled with his father Pekah from 750 to 740 b.c., and then from 740 to 732 b.c.

[4] 1:1 Ahaz A king of Judah who ruled with his father Jotham from 735 to 732 b.c., and then from 732 to 715 b.c.

[5] 1:1 Hezekiah A king of Judah who ruled about 715-686 b.c.

[6] 1:4 They . children Or, "They are destructive children of evil parents."

[7] 1:5 Your whole . aching Or, "Every head and heart is already sick and aching."

[8] 1:7 It looks . destroyed it Or, "The destruction is like that when the foreigners were destroyed." This might refer to civil war in Israel or to some time when God destroyed foreign nations, such as Sodom and Gomorrah.

[9] 1:8 Daughter Zion Another name for Jerusalem.

[10] 1:8 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[11] 1:9 Sodom A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Gomorrah, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[12] 1:9 Gomorrah A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Sodom, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[13] 1:10 officers of Sodom . Gomorrah Here, this refers to leaders and people from Judah.

[14] 1:11 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[15] 1:13 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[16] 1:13 New Moon The first day of the month for Israelites or Jews, which they celebrated as a special day of rest and worship. The people met together and shared in the fellowship offerings like those described in Lev. 7:16-21.

[17] 1:13 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[18] 1:27 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[19] 1:29 special gardens Gardens where people worshiped false gods.

[20] 2:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[21] 2:3 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[22] 2:3 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[23] 2:6 East This usually refers to the area around Babylon.

[24] 2:6 Philistines The people who lived in an area along the coast of Palestine. They occupied the land of Canaan before the Israelites entered it and were their strongest enemy.

[25] 2:7 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[26] 2:8 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[27] 2:9 They . up Or, "The people have become very low. Surely you will not forgive them."

[28] 2:13 Lebanon A country north of Israel, famous for its great cedar and pine trees.

[29] 2:13 Bashan The northern part of Israel east of the Jordan River.

[30] 2:16 ships from Tarshish This is probably a special type of cargo ship.

[31] 3:2 judge One of the civic leaders who judged, led, and protected the people of Israel before their first king was appointed.

[32] 3:2 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[33] 3:2 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[34] 3:6 coat Or, "robe." This showed that a person was a leader of the people.

[35] 3:14 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[36] 3:14 vineyard A garden for growing grapes. Here, this probably means Judah.

[37] 3:16 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[38] 3:20 charms Things people wore on bracelets and necklaces. People thought these things would protect them from evil or danger.

[39] 3:21 signet ring A type of seal that was worn on the finger. See "seal."

[40] 3:23 linen Thread or cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant.

[41] 3:23 turban A head covering made by wrapping a long piece of cloth around the top part of the head or around a cap worn on the head.

[42] 3:24 they will have no hair This shows that they will become slaves.

[43] 4:2 the Lord's plant This might refer to the country of Judah or to the future king or Messiah. See Isa. 5:7.

[44] 4:3 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[45] 4:4 wash away the filth This is like a special ceremony for washing away the blood after a menstrual period. After this a man and wife could be together and show their love for each other.

[46] 4:4 daughters of Zion This can refer either to the small towns around Jerusalem or to the women living there.

[47] 4:5 cloud of smoke . fire The signs God used to show that he was with his people.

[48] 4:5 everyone Literally, "glory," but this also means "soul" or "person." See Ps. 16:9.

[49] 5:1 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[50] 5:3 You people . man of Judah Or, "Rulers of Jerusalem and leader of Judah .."

[51] 5:7 man of Judah This could mean either "the king of Judah" or simply, "people of Judah."

[52] 5:9 oath A strong declaration that one will tell the truth or keep a promise, often using the name of God or something else known to be real or important.

[53] 5:10 only a little wine Literally, "one bath," a measure that equals about 6 gallons (22 l).

[54] 5:10 only a little grain Literally, "A homer of seed will grow only an ephah of grain." A homer equals about 6 bushels (220 l). An ephah equals about 2/3 bushel (22 l).

[55] 5:18 ropes Literally, "useless ropes." The Hebrew words for useless ropes are like the words meaning "useless things-idols."

[56] 5:24 teachings This can also mean "laws." Sometimes this means the laws God gave Moses to teach to the people of Israel.

[57] 5:28 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[58] 6:1 Uzziah A king of Judah who ruled with his father Amaziah from 792 to 767 b.c., and then from 767 to 740 b.c.

[59] 6:1 year . died This was probably 740 b.c.

[60] 6:1 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[61] 6:2 Seraph angels Special angels that God used as messengers. The name might mean that they were bright like fire.

[62] 6:3 His Glory See "Glory of the Lord" in the Word List.

[63] 6:4 smoke This showed that God was in the Temple. See Ex. 40:34-35.

[64] 6:5 I am not pure . him Literally, "I am a man of unclean lips and live among people of unclean lips."

[65] 6:6 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[66] 6:7 erased Or, "atoned" or "covered over."

[67] 7:1 Ahaz A king of Judah who ruled with his father Jotham from 735 to 732 b.c., and then from 732 to 715 b.c.

[68] 7:1 Jotham A king of Judah who ruled with his father Pekah from 750 to 740 b.c., and then from 740 to 732 b.c.

[69] 7:1 Uzziah A king of Judah who ruled with his father Amaziah from 792 to 767 b.c., and then from 767 to 740 b.c.

[70] 7:1 Rezin A king of Aram who ruled about 740-731 b.c.

[71] 7:1 Aram A country north of Israel that included much of modern-day Syria. See Isaiah 7:1; 17:3.

[72] 7:1 Pekah son of Remaliah A king of northern Israel. He ruled about 740-731 b.c.

[73] 7:1 Rezin and Pekah . the city Or, "Rezin and Pekah went up to attack Jerusalem, but they were not able to fight."

[74] 7:2 Ephraim The second son of Joseph and the name of one of the tribes of Israel. Sometimes it is used as the name for the northern kingdom of Israel, since Ephraim was most often the leading tribe.

[75] 7:3 Shear Jashub This is a name that means "a few people will come back."

[76] 7:3 Upper Pool Probably the Pool of Siloam at the southern tip of the City of David, just above the older pool now called the Red Pool.

[77] 7:4 Remaliah's son Pekah, the king of northern Israel. He ruled about 740-731 b.c.

[78] 7:7-9 If you . survive This is a wordplay that can also mean, "If you don't believe, you should not be trusted."

[79] 7:10 Ahaz A king of Judah who ruled with his father Jotham from 735 to 732 b.c., and then from 732 to 715 b.c.

[80] 7:11 The sign . Sheol Or, "Make your question deep." The Hebrew word for "question" is like the word for Sheol.

[81] 7:11 The sign . skies Literally, "make your question very high."

[82] 7:14 young woman Or, "Look at the virgin. She will become pregnant and give birth to a son." See Gen. 16:11, 12 and Lk. 1:30-35 for similar announcements.

[83] 7:14 Immanuel This name means "God is with us."

[84] 7:15 milk curds and honey This refers to some of the first solid foods, something like yogurt, that were fed to a baby. This is also the food that even the poor can find to eat. Also in verse 22.

[85] 7:17 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[86] 7:20 shave . head and body This showed that the people of Judah would be humiliated and treated like slaves.

[87] 8:1 scroll This Hebrew word might also mean "a clay" or "stone tablet."

[88] 8:1 ordinary pen Literally, "stylus of a man." This might be a pen for writing on clay.

[89] 8:1 Maher Shalal Hash Baz This means "There will soon be looting and stealing."

[90] 8:4 Damascus A city in the country of Aram (Syria).

[91] 8:4 Samaria During Old Testament times, the capital city of Israel, the northern Israelite kingdom. In New Testament times, the name refers to the central hill country, the general area that had been occupied by the northern kingdom.

[92] 8:4 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[93] 8:6 These people Probably Judeans who wanted to join Rezin and Pekah.

[94] 8:6 Shiloah A channel that carried water from Gihon Spring to a pool at the south end of the City of David (Jerusalem). Men from David's family were anointed to be kings there.

[95] 8:6 Rezin A king of Aram who ruled about 740-731 b.c.

[96] 8:8 But he . Immanuel Or, "Immanuel, it will spread throughout your whole country." This might be a promise of God's protection, or it might be a warning about Assyria's power.

[97] 8:10 God is with us In Hebrew this is like the name Immanuel.

[98] 8:11 warned Or, "prevented."

[99] 8:11 Those people Probably Judeans who wanted to join Rezin and Pekah.

[100] 8:13 respect Literally, "consider holy."

[101] 8:14 safe place Or, "holy place."

[102] 8:16 Write this agreement Or, "Take a document." This could refer to the large scroll in verse 1 or to the promise that follows in verse 17.

[103] 8:18 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[104] 8:19 fortune-teller A person who tries to use magic to learn what will happen in the future.

[105] 8:19 wizard A person who uses the power of Satan or evil spirits to do magic.

[106] 8:20 agreement Usually, this means the agreement God made with Israel through Moses. Here, it probably means the agreement in verse 17.

[107] 9:1 Galilee . live Or, "the district of the gentiles."

[108] 9:4 yoke A pole that was put across the shoulders of men, usually slaves, or animals and used in pulling or carrying heavy loads.

[109] 9:4 as you . Midian See Num. 22:1ff.

[110] 9:7 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.

[111] 9:8 Or, "The Lord sent a command to Jacob and it happened to Israel."

[112] 9:11 Rezin A king of Aram who ruled about 740-731 b.c.

[113] 9:15 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[114] 9:17 hypocrite A person with wrong motives who pretends to be good.

[115] 10:5 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[116] 10:10 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[117] 10:12 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[118] 10:18 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[119] 10:21 Powerful God See Isa. 9:6.

[120] 10:24 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[121] 10:24 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[122] 10:26 Midian at Raven Rock Or, "Midian at the Rock of Oreb." See Judges 7:25.

[123] 10:26 he raised . sea See Ex. 14:1-15:21.

[124] 10:27 yoke A pole that was put across the shoulders of men, usually slaves, or animals and used in pulling or carrying heavy loads.

[125] 10:28 Verses 28-32 Isaiah uses word games to show how the Assyrian army would come and fight against Judah.

[126] 10:29 Geba, Ramah . Gibeah of Saul Towns north of Jerusalem.

[127] 10:30 Bath Gallim Gallim, a city south of Jerusalem. This name means "daughter of the waves," and might refer to birds that make loud noises by the shore.

[128] 10:31 Gebim An unknown city. This name is like the Hebrew word for "pit" or "cistern," a hole in the ground for storing water.

[129] 10:34 Lebanon A country north of Israel, famous for its great cedar and pine trees.

[130] 11:1 small tree That is, a new king will come from the family of David.

[131] 11:1 Jesse King David's father.

[132] 11:8 cobra A very poisonous snake.

[133] 11:13 Ephraim The second son of Joseph and the name of one of the tribes of Israel. Sometimes it is used as the name for the northern kingdom of Israel, since Ephraim was most often the leading tribe.

[134] 11:14 Philistines The people who lived in an area along the coast of Palestine. They occupied the land of Canaan before the Israelites entered it and were their strongest enemy.

[135] 11:14 East This usually refers to the area around Babylon.

[136] 11:14 Edom, Moab, Ammon Three countries east of Israel. They were Israel's enemies for many years.

[137] 11:15 the Lord . Egypt Or, "the Lord will dry up the tongue of the Sea of Egypt."

[138] 12:2 The Lord Yah . him Literally, "Yah, Yahweh is my strength and praise. And he becomes my salvation." This comes from the victory song of Moses in Ex. 15:2.

[139] 12:6 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[140] 13:1 message Or, "burden."

[141] 13:2 mountain This probably means Babylon.

[142] 13:6 A time . happen This is a wordplay in Hebrew. The word meaning "stealing things in war" sounds like the word meaning "God All-Powerful."

[143] 13:19 Sodom A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Gomorrah, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[144] 13:19 Gomorrah A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Sodom, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[145] 13:19 Babylonians Literally, "Chaldeans."

[146] 13:21 Wild goats The Hebrew word means "hairy," "goat," or "goat-demon."

[147] 14:1 non-Israelites Usually, this means "Those who live in a country but are not yet citizens of that country." Here, it is the non-Israelites who decided to follow God.

[148] 14:5 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[149] 14:9 Sheol The place where people go when they die. Usually, this means the grave, but it can mean the place where spirits go.

[150] 14:13 Zaphon This Hebrew word means "north," "hidden," or "the heavenly mountain where the Canaanites believed their gods met together."

[151] 14:23 animals Literally, "porcupines."

[152] 14:25 yoke A pole that was put across the shoulders of men, usually slaves, or animals and used in pulling or carrying heavy loads.

[153] 14:28 message Or, "burden." Also in 15:1.

[154] 14:28 year King Ahaz died About 727 b.c.

[155] 14:31 everyone . strong Or, "there are no stragglers in that group."

[156] 14:32 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[157] 15:1 Moab A country east of the Dead Sea, named after one of Lot's sons. See Gen. 19:37.

[158] 15:2 Dibon A city in the country of Moab. This name is like a Hebrew word meaning "to be very sad."

[159] 15:2 places of worship Or, "high places," places for worshiping God or false gods. These places were often on the hills and mountains.

[160] 15:2 Nebo A city in the country of Moab and the name of a false god.

[161] 15:2 Medeba A city in the country of Moab. This name is like a Hebrew word meaning "to be very sad."

[162] 15:9 Dimon This is probably the city of Dibon. Dimon is like the Hebrew word meaning "blood."

[163] 16:1 Daughter Zion Another name for Jerusalem.

[164] 16:5 David's family The royal family of Judah. God promised that men from David's family would be kings in Judah.

[165] 16:7 Kir Hareseth A city in the country of Moab.

[166] 16:8 Foreign rulers . the sea Or, "These grapes made many foreign rulers drunk. The vines spread far to the city of Jazer and into the desert. The vines have spread down to the sea."

[167] 16:10 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[168] 16:11 Kir Heres Kir Hareseth, a city in the country of Moab. Kir Heres means "a city chosen to be destroyed."

[169] 17:1 message Or, "burden."

[170] 17:1 Damascus A city in the country of Aram (Syria).

[171] 17:2 Aroer A place in the country of Aram (Syria).

[172] 17:3 Ephraim The northern kingdom of Israel.

[173] 17:3 Aram A country north of Israel that included much of modern-day Syria. See Isaiah 7:1; 17:3.

[174] 17:4 Jacob That is, the nation of Israel.

[175] 17:5 Rephaim Valley A valley southwest of Jerusalem.

[176] 17:8 special gardens Gardens where people worshiped false gods.

[177] 17:8 altars These might be altars for burning incense or they might be altars for worshiping a special false god.

[178] 17:9 mountains and the forests With a minor change in the Hebrew, this could be "the Horites and Amorites."

[179] 17:13 chaff The seed coverings and stems separated from the seeds of plants like wheat or barley. Farmers saved the seeds but let the wind blow the useless chaff away.

[180] 17:13 tumbleweed A large weed that grows in a round shape and has short roots. When a strong wind blows, the dry weed is pulled loose and blown away.

[181] 18:1 Ethiopia Or "Cush," a country in Africa by the Red Sea.

[182] 18:2 reed boats These boats were made by tying many reeds (a type of water plant) together.

[183] 18:4 the place prepared for me Probably the Temple in Jerusalem.

[184] 18:7 Or, "At that time the people who are tall and smooth, who are feared far and wide, that powerful nation who defeats other countries and whose land is divided by rivers, those people will be brought to the Lord All-Powerful as a special gift."

[185] 18:7 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[186] 19:1 message Or, "burden."

[187] 19:2 Kingdoms will be against kingdoms Or, "States will be against states." This means Egyptians will fight other Egyptians.

[188] 19:6 smell very bad In Hebrew this is like a name for the Nile River.

[189] 19:11 Zoan A city in Egypt. Also in verse 13.

[190] 19:13 Noph Or Memphis, a city in Egypt.

[191] 19:15 the heads and . stalks of plants See Isa. 9:14-15.

[192] 19:18 Hebrew Literally, "the language of Canaan."

[193] 19:18 Destruction City This is a wordplay on the name meaning "Sun City," which is also called On or Heliopolis.

[194] 19:19 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[195] 19:21 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[196] 19:21 promises A special kind of promise to God. See Lev. 22:18ff.

[197] 19:23 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[198] 19:23 Egypt will work with Assyria Or, "Egypt will serve Assyria."

[199] 20:1 Sargon A king of Assyria. He was king about 721-705 b.c.

[200] 20:1 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[201] 20:1 Tarton An Assyrian military commander.

[202] 21:1 message Or, "burden." Also in verses 11, 13.

[203] 21:1 Sea Desert Probably Babylon.

[204] 21:1 Negev The desert area in the southern part of Judah.

[205] 21:7 Or, "Whether he sees a column of teams of horsemen, columns of donkeys, or columns of camels, he must listen carefully."

[206] 21:8 watchman "The Seer" an ancient title for a prophet. The standard Hebrew text has, "A Lion!"

[207] 21:8 watchtower A tall building where guards stood and watched to see if anyone was coming near their city.

[208] 21:9 a man . horses Or, "a column of teams of horsemen." This might be a team of horses pulling a war chariot or mounted archers in the Assyrian army who often worked in pairs.

[209] 21:10 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[210] 21:11 Dumah This Hebrew word means "silence" or "destruction" but sounds like the name, "Edom."

[211] 21:11 Seir Or, "Edom."

[212] 21:12 Come back This can also mean "change your heart" or "repent."

[213] 21:13 caravan A group of traders with their animals that carried products from one place to another.

[214] 21:16 Kedar An Arabian tribe that lived in the desert southeast of the land of Judah.

[215] 21:17 archer A person skilled in using a bow to shoot arrows.

[216] 22:1 message Or, "burden."

[217] 22:1 Valley of Vision This probably means one of the valleys near Jerusalem. Also in verse 5.

[218] 22:3 but they have . bows Or, "but the archers captured them."

[219] 22:7 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[220] 22:8 cover protecting Judah This might be the wall around Jerusalem, but see Isaiah 4:4.

[221] 22:8 Forest Palace A part of Solomon's palace where his weapons and wealth were stored.

[222] 22:9-11 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[223] 22:9-11 Lower Pool The pool at the southern tip of the City of David, just below the Upper Pool (the Pool of Siloam).

[224] 22:9-11 pool between the double walls This is probably the Upper Pool (Pool of Siloam).

[225] 22:9-11 Old Pool Probably the pool at Gihon Spring on the eastern slopes of the city.

[226] 22:17-18 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[227] 22:21 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[228] 22:21 people of Jerusalem and Judah's family Or, "The king sitting on the throne in Jerusalem, the royal family of Judah."

[229] 23:1 message Or, "burden."

[230] 23:1 Cyprus Literally, "the land of Kittim." This could be either Cyprus or Crete.

[231] 23:1 Ships from Tarshish This is probably a special type of cargo ship. Also in verse 14.

[232] 23:2 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[233] 23:4 Fort of the Sea Another name for the city of Tyre.

[234] 23:6 Tarshish A city far away from Israel, probably in Spain, famous for its large ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

[235] 23:7 People traveled . live here Or, "People from here traveled great distances to settle other places."

[236] 23:11 Canaan The land where the Canaanites lived and which the Israelites fought for and in time largely controlled. Generally the same area that was later called Palestine, it included what are now Israel and Lebanon.

[237] 23:11 Or, "He raised his arm over the sea and shook nations. He gave a command about Canaan to destroy its fortresses."

[238] 23:12 Daughter Sidon Another name for the city of Sidon.

[239] 23:12 Cyprus Literally, "Kittim." This could also mean "Crete."

[240] 23:13 Chaldeans An important tribe in Babylon. Sometimes this name means simply "people from Babylonia." King Nebuchadnezzar was from this tribe, as were other kings of Babylon. Well educated people, they studied science, history, languages, and astronomy, but they also believed they could do magic and look at the stars to learn what would happen in the future.

[241] 23:13 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[242] 24:1 land Or, "earth."

[243] 24:16 traitor A person who turns against his or her own country, friends, or family and does anything to help their enemy.

[244] 24:22 Pit . prison This is probably "Sheol," the grave.

[245] 24:23 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[246] 24:23 His Glory See "Glory of the Lord" in the Word List.

[247] 24:23 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[248] 25:8 But death . forever Or, "But death will be swallowed in victory."

[249] 25:10 Moab Or, "the enemy." This name is like a Hebrew word meaning "enemy."

[250] 26:1 Or, "We have a strong city that provides us with salvation. It has strong walls and defenses."

[251] 26:4 Lord Yah Or, "Yah Yahweh," a Hebrew name for God.

[252] 26:11 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.

[253] 26:13 we followed . masters This is a wordplay. It could also be translated, "Husbands other than you married us." One word sounds like "Baal," the other like a title for God.

[254] 26:15 Or, "You gathered together the nation you love, the nation that you drove away into faraway lands."

[255] 26:21 his place Probably the Temple in Jerusalem.

[256] 27:1 Leviathan The Dragon or giant snake. Some ancient stories say the Dragon was an enemy of God.

[257] 27:1 large creature in the sea This is probably Rahab. Some ancient stories tell of Rahab fighting with God.

[258] 27:2 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[259] 27:4 a wall of thornbushes Literally, "thorns and thistles." Farmers planted walls of thornbushes around vineyards to protect them from animals. See Isa. 5:5.

[260] 27:9 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[261] 27:9 statues Or, "idols." See "idol" in the Word List.

[262] 27:12 He will begin . from there Literally, "He will begin threshing at the stream of the river." This Hebrew word for stream is like the word meaning "head of grain."

[263] 27:12 Euphrates River . River of Egypt These are the borders of the land God promised to give Israel.

[264] 27:13 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[265] 28:1 Ephraim The second son of Joseph and the name of one of the tribes of Israel. Sometimes it is used as the name for the northern kingdom of Israel, since Ephraim was most often the leading tribe.

[266] 28:2 that crown That is, Samaria.

[267] 28:10 Saw lasaw . ze'er sham This is probably a Hebrew song to teach little children how to write. It sounds like baby talk or a foreign language, but it can also be translated, "A command here, a command there. A rule here, a rule there. A lesson here, a lesson there." Also in verse 13.

[268] 28:13 foreign language Or, "gibberish" or "baby talk."

[269] 28:16 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[270] 28:16 very precious stone This also means a stone has been tested and shown that it has no cracks.

[271] 28:18 Sheol The place where people go when they die. Usually, this means the grave, but it can mean the place where spirits go.

[272] 28:21 Mount Perazim . Gibeon Valley See 1 Chron. 14:8-17.

[273] 28:25 spelt A kind of grain like wheat.

[274] 28:28 horses This word also means "horse soldiers."

[275] 29:1 Ariel A name for the altar at the Temple in Jerusalem. This name means "hearth" or "fireplace" but sounds like the word meaning "Lion of God." Also in verse 7.

[276] 29:5 chaff The seed coverings and stems separated from the seeds of plants like wheat or barley. Farmers saved the seeds but let the wind blow the useless chaff away.

[277] 29:8 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[278] 29:11 sealed A piece of clay or wax was put on the closed book to show that the book should not be opened.

[279] 29:16 potter Someone who makes pottery (jars, bowls, etc.) from clay. The Hebrew word also means "creator" or "a person who makes new things."

[280] 29:23 honor Or, "make holy."

[281] 30:2 Pharaoh A title for the king of Egypt.

[282] 30:4 Zoan A city in Egypt.

[283] 30:4 Hanes A city in Egypt.

[284] 30:6 message Or, "burden."

[285] 30:6 Negev animals Or, "Creatures of the South," a phrase that can refer to Egypt.

[286] 30:6 adders Very venomous snakes.

[287] 30:6 deadly snakes Literally, "flying snakes."

[288] 30:7 Do-Nothing Dragon Or, "Resting Rahab," the great sea monster. Some ancient stories tell about Rahab fighting with God.

[289] 30:8 Write . future Or, "Write this for the future as a witness forever."

[290] 30:10 dreams Or, "visions." Special kinds of dreams God used to speak to his prophets.

[291] 30:19 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[292] 30:22 defile To make something dirty and not able to be used in worship.

[293] 30:22 You will throw them . dirty rags This also means "you will throw away those gods like menstrual clothes. You will say, 'Go away!'"

[294] 30:24 food This was special food that had been allowed to ferment. This made the meat of the animal tender and good.

[295] 30:29 Rock A name for God. It shows that he is like a strong place of safety.

[296] 30:31 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[297] 30:33 Topheth Gehenna, the Valley of Hinnom. In this valley people killed their children to honor the false god, "Molech."

[298] 30:33 king This is like the name of the false god, "Molech."

[299] 31:1 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[300] 31:4 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[301] 31:5 defend Literally, "fight on" or "fight against."

[302] 31:8 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[303] 31:9 fireplace . oven That is, the altar in the Temple.

[304] 32:2 king Literally, "man."

[305] 32:6 Fools Here, this means people who don't follow God and his wise teachings.

[306] 32:12 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[307] 33:4 locusts Insects like grasshoppers that could destroy a large crop very quickly. See Ex. 10. The law of Moses said that locusts could be eaten. See Lev. 11:21-22.

[308] 33:5 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[309] 33:7 messengers . messengers The Hebrew has two different words that can also mean "angels."

[310] 33:8 witnesses Literally, "cities." The Hebrew word is like the word meaning "witnesses."

[311] 33:9 Lebanon A country north of Israel, famous for its great cedar and pine trees.

[312] 33:9 Sharon Valley The lowlands along the coast of Palestine.

[313] 33:9 Bashan The northern part of Israel east of the Jordan River.

[314] 33:9 Carmel A famous mountain (or high hill) in northern Israel that had good soil and plenty of rain. The name means "God's vineyard." See Isaiah 33:9; 35:2.

[315] 33:11 spirit Or, "Spirit."

[316] 33:12 lime A white powder that is often used to make mortar or cement. It can be made by burning bones, shells, or limestone.

[317] 33:14 fire that . burns forever This might mean God, the Fire (Light) of Israel.

[318] 33:20 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[319] 33:21-23 mast The tall pole to which the sail is tied on a sailboat.

[320] 33:21-23 judge One of the civic leaders who judged, led, and protected the people of Israel before their first king was appointed.

[321] 34:4 rolled shut like a scroll This is like someone closing a book when they have finished reading it.

[322] 34:4 stars Literally, "the armies of the skies."

[323] 34:5 Edom A country southeast of Judah. It is also known as Seir after the mountain range by that name in Edom. The Edomites are descendants of Esau, Jacob's twin brother. At times, they were enemies of the Israelites.

[324] 34:5 guilty, and they must die The Hebrew means the people belonged completely to God, and if he does not get them, they must die.

[325] 34:6 Bozrah A city in the southern part of Edom.

[326] 34:6 goats . rams This probably refers to the people and leaders of Edom.

[327] 34:8 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[328] 34:9 tar Or "pitch," a thick oil that must be heated to become liquid and that is used to seal the boards with which ships are built.

[329] 34:9 sulfur A yellow chemical that looks like rock or dirt. Sulfur burns with a hot flame, and it gives off a bad odor when it burns.

[330] 34:11 Empty Desert Literally, "They will measure this city with the measuring string called 'emptiness' and stone weights called 'nothingness.'" These words described the empty earth in Gen. 1:2.

[331] 34:12 freemen Important citizens of a town or country. These people came from "good families" and had never been slaves.

[332] 34:14 hyenas A kind of wild dog that often eats the meat of dead animals that other animals killed.

[333] 34:14 Wild goats The Hebrew word means "hairy," "goat," or "goat-demon."

[334] 34:14 Night animals Or, "Lilith, the night demon." This name is like the Hebrew word for night.

[335] 34:16 scroll A long roll of paper or leather used for writing on.

[336] 35:2 Lebanon A country north of Israel, famous for its great cedar and pine trees.

[337] 35:2 Carmel A famous mountain (or high hill) in northern Israel that had good soil and plenty of rain. The name means "God's vineyard." See Isaiah 33:9; 35:2.

[338] 35:2 Sharon Valley The lowlands along the coast of Palestine.

[339] 35:2 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[340] 35:7 mirages In the desert, heat rising from the ground looks like water from far away. This is a mirage.

[341] 35:8 fools Here, this means people who don't follow God and his wise teachings.

[342] 35:10 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[343] 36:1 Hezekiah A king of Judah who ruled about 715-686 b.c.

[344] 36:1 Sennacherib A king of Assyria who ruled about 706-681 b.c.

[345] 36:2 aqueduct A ditch or pipe that carries water from one place to another. Here, this is the Shiloah, a channel that carried water from Gihon Spring to the Old Pool and the Pool of Siloam.

[346] 36:2 Upper Pool The Pool of Siloam at the southern tip of the City of David (Jerusalem), just above the older pool now called Birket al Hamrah.

[347] 36:7 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[348] 36:7 high place A place of worship usually on top of a hill, a mountain, or a man-made platform. Although high places were sometimes used for the worship of Yahweh, they are most often associated with pagan worship of false gods.

[349] 36:9 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[350] 36:12 They . like you The Assyrian army planned to surround Jerusalem and not let people bring any food or water into the city. They thought the people would become hungry enough to eat their own waste.

[351] 36:13 Hebrew Literally, "Judean," the language of Judah and Israel.

[352] 36:17 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[353] 36:19 Hamath and Arpad Cities in the country of Aram (Syria).

[354] 36:19 Sepharvaim A city in the country of Aram (Syria).

[355] 36:19 Samaria During Old Testament times, the capital city of Israel, the northern Israelite kingdom. In New Testament times, the name refers to the central hill country, the general area that had been occupied by the northern kingdom.

[356] 37:1 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[357] 37:9 Tirhakah This is probably Taharqa, the Pharaoh of Egypt about 690-664 b.c.

[358] 37:9 Ethiopia Or "Cush," a country in Africa by the Red Sea.

[359] 37:12 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[360] 37:12 Eden Beth Eden, an area in the country of Aram (Syria).

[361] 37:14 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[362] 37:16 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[363] 37:21 I have heard you This is from the ancient Greek version and 2 Kings 19:20.

[364] 37:22 Virgin Daughter Zion Another name for Jerusalem.

[365] 37:24 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[366] 37:30 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[367] 37:32 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[368] 37:32 strong love The Hebrew word can mean strong feelings such as zeal, jealousy, or love.

[369] 37:38 Ararat The ancient country of Urartu, an area in eastern Turkey.

[370] 38:5 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[371] 38:21 This verse is at the end of the chapter in the printed Hebrew text.

[372] 38:22 This verse is at the end of the chapter in the printed Hebrew text.

[373] 38:22 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[374] 38:8 steps of Ahaz The steps of a special building that Hezekiah used like a clock. When the sun shone on the steps, the shadows showed what time of the day it was.

[375] 38:11 Lord Yah Or, "Yahweh," a Hebrew name for God.

[376] 38:12 loom A machine used for making cloth.

[377] 38:18 Sheol The place where people go when they die. Usually, this means the grave, but it can mean the place where spirits go.

[378] 39:6 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[379] 39:7 officers Or, "eunuchs." Usually, this means men whose male sex organs were removed so that they could not have children. These men often served in important positions.

[380] 40:5 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[381] 40:9 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[382] 40:27 The Lord . punish me Or, "My way is hidden from the Lord; God ignores my case."

[383] 41:1 be brave Or, "be strong again," as in Isa. 40:31.

[384] 41:7 anvil A heavy metal block. A worker puts hot metal on an anvil and beats the hot metal to change its shape.

[385] 41:14 "Worthless" Jacob, people of Israel Literally, "Worm of Jacob, men of Israel."

[386] 41:24 fool Literally, "horrible thing." The Hebrew word usually describes idols and other wicked things that God hates.

[387] 41:25 someone in the north This probably means Cyrus, a king of Persia. He ruled about 550-530 b.c.

[388] 41:27 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[389] 42:3 reed A plant that grows near water.

[390] 42:11 Kedar An Arabian tribe that lived in the desert southeast of the land of Judah.

[391] 42:19 my servant Here, this probably means the people of Israel.

[392] 42:21 Or, "The Lord will make his teachings very wonderful. He will do this because he is good."

[393] 43:8 blind . deaf This probably means the Israelites who would not believe God. See Isa. 6:9-10.

[394] 43:14 Chaldeans An important tribe in Babylon. Sometimes this name means simply "people from Babylonia." King Nebuchadnezzar was from this tribe, as were other kings of Babylon. Well educated people, they studied science, history, languages, and astronomy, but they also believed they could do magic and look at the stars to learn what would happen in the future.

[395] 43:14 I will send . boats Or, with minor changes to the Hebrew, "I will send someone against Babylon to break open the gates, and the shouts of victory from the Chaldeans will be changed to crying."

[396] 43:17 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[397] 43:23 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[398] 43:23 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[399] 43:27 lawyers Or, "speakers," people who argue a person's case in court. This might refer to priests or prophets.

[400] 43:28 destroy Jacob Or, "I will make Jacob completely mine."

[401] 44:2 Jeshurun Another name for Israel. It means "good" or "honest."

[402] 44:3 bless This is a wordplay. This Hebrew word sounds like the word meaning, "pool."

[403] 44:8 proof Or, "witnesses."

[404] 44:8 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[405] 44:13 string line In ancient times, this was a piece of string with wet paint on it. It was used to make straight lines on wood or stone.

[406] 44:13 compass A tool used to draw circles and copy measurements.

[407] 44:13 chisels Sharp tools used to carve wood or stone.

[408] 44:13 calipers A special measuring tool, like a compass.

[409] 44:20 They . doing Literally, "They eat ashes."

[410] 44:25 false prophet A person who claims to speak for God but does not really speak God's truth.

[411] 44:28 Cyrus A king of Persia who ruled about 550-530 b.c.

[412] 44:28 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[413] 45:1 Cyrus A king of Persia who ruled about 550-530 b.c.

[414] 45:1 chosen king Literally, "the anointed one."

[415] 45:4 I know you Or, "I will give you a title."

[416] 45:5 I put . you This also means "I made you strong."

[417] 45:8 victory Or, "goodness."

[418] 45:8 I . created him Or, "I created it (salvation or victory)."

[419] 45:11 My children . I have done Or possibly, "Those who are coming asked me for my children. They commanded me [to give them] those people who I made with my own hands."

[420] 45:12 armies in the sky Sometimes this means the angels, and sometimes it means the stars.

[421] 45:13 I gave . things This might also mean "I did what was right when I woke him."

[422] 45:23 oath A strong declaration that one will tell the truth or keep a promise, often using the name of God or something else known to be real or important.

[423] 45:25 live right Or, "find justice."

[424] 46:1 Bel One of the names of the god Marduk, the most important god of the Babylonians.

[425] 46:1 Nebo A false god of Babylon.

[426] 46:12 stubborn Literally, "mighty of heart."

[427] 47:1 Virgin Daughter Babylon That is, the city of Babylon.

[428] 47:1 daughter of the Chaldeans Another name for the city of Babylon. Also in verse 5.

[429] 47:2 rivers The Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Babylon was between these two rivers.

[430] 47:10 You . safe Or, "You put your trust in your evil."

[431] 48:2 Holy City That is, Jerusalem.

[432] 48:14 Chaldeans An important tribe in Babylon. Sometimes this name means simply "people from Babylonia." King Nebuchadnezzar was from this tribe, as were other kings of Babylon. Well educated people, they studied science, history, languages, and astronomy, but they also believed they could do magic and look at the stars to learn what would happen in the future.

[433] 48:15 him This probably means Cyrus. Cyrus was a king of Persia. He ruled about 550-530 b.c.

[434] 49:14 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[435] 49:16 I . time Or, "I see your figure before me always." This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word "figure" also means "walls."

[436] 51:3 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[437] 51:9 Rahab . Dragon This is Rahab the great sea monster. Some ancient stories tell about Rahab fighting with God.

[438] 51:11 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[439] 52:1 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[440] 52:1 filthy foreigners Or, "unclean men that have not been circumcised."

[441] 52:2 Daughter Zion Another name for Jerusalem.

[442] 52:6 I Am He This is like the Hebrew name for God. It shows that God lives forever, and that he is always with his people. See Ex. 3:13-17.

[443] 52:8 guards Men who stand on the city walls and watch for messengers or trouble coming to the city. Here, this probably means the prophets.

[444] 52:12 The Lord . behind you This shows that God will protect his people. Compare Ex. 14:19, 20.

[445] 52:15 They will see . heard Or, "Those who were not told the message saw what happened. Those who did not hear understood."

[446] 53:1 Who . power Or, "Upon whom was the arm of the Lord revealed?"

[447] 53:8 The people . killed Or, "There is no story about his descendants, because he was taken from the land of the living."

[448] 53:8 put to death Or, "punished."

[449] 53:8 his This is the reading in a Hebrew copy among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The traditional Hebrew text has "my."

[450] 53:10 But the Lord . such pain Or, "The Lord decided to crush him. He decided that he must suffer."

[451] 53:11 the light This is the reading found in Hebrew copies among the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the ancient Greek version. Light is often used as a symbol for life.

[452] 54:1 The woman . alone This Hebrew word is like the word "destroyed." This probably means "Jerusalem, the city that is destroyed."

[453] 54:5 husband In Hebrew this word is like the name Baal. This shows that the Lord is the true God, not the false god Baal.

[454] 54:5 Protector Or, "Redeemer," someone who cared for and protected the family of a dead relative. Often this person bought back (redeemed) the poor relatives from slavery, making them free again.

[455] 54:16 blacksmith A person who makes weapons, tools or other things from iron.

[456] 54:17 good things Or, "victory."

[457] 56:2 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[458] 56:3 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[459] 56:4 Agreement Usually, this means the agreement God made with Israel through Moses. Here, it might mean the agreement of Isaiah 55:3.

[460] 56:5 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[461] 56:5 cut off If someone was "cut off" from Israel, it meant that he died without children or that he was forced to leave his family and the people of Israel. This meant another family would get his land, and his family name would be removed from the list of the people of Israel.

[462] 56:7 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[463] 56:10 watchman Literally, "The Seers," an ancient title for a prophet.

[464] 57:4 make faces . tongue This probably refers to the god Bel, which is usually shown making a face and sticking out his tongue.

[465] 57:6 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[466] 57:6 every hill and high mountain The people worshiped false gods in these places. The people thought these false gods would give them good crops and more children.

[467] 57:8 doorposts The Israelites were supposed to put special things on their door frames to help them remember God. See Deut. 6:9.

[468] 57:8 gave yourself to them Or, "And made agreements with them."

[469] 57:8 naked bodies This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word also means "memorial," as in Isaiah 56:5.

[470] 57:9 Molech A false god. This name is like the Hebrew word meaning "king."

[471] 57:9 this will . death Or, "You even send them down to Sheol."

[472] 57:13 holy mountain Mount Zion, one of the mountains Jerusalem was built on.

[473] 58:3 fast To live without food for a time of prayer or mourning.

[474] 58:8 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[475] 58:9 accusing people Literally, "pointing of the finger." This might be a way of cursing someone.

[476] 58:13 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[477] 59:17 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.

[478] 59:19 fear and respect Or, "see."

[479] 59:19 his Glory See "Glory of the Lord" in the Word List.

[480] 59:19 wind Or, "spirit."

[481] 59:20 redeemer Someone who sets a person free by paying their debt.

[482] 59:20 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[483] 60:1 Jerusalem . shine Or, "Jerusalem, my light, get up!"

[484] 60:1 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[485] 60:6 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[486] 60:7 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[487] 60:7 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[488] 60:13 Lebanon A country north of Israel, famous for its great cedar and pine trees.

[489] 60:13 my Holy Place This probably means the Temple in Jerusalem.

[490] 60:13 I will honor it Or, "I will give it glory."

[491] 60:14 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[492] 60:16 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[493] 60:21 young plant . garden See Isa. 4:1 and 5:7.

[494] 60:21 They . hands Or, "They are the plant I planted, which I made with my own hands, to show how wonderful I am."

[495] 62:1 goodness Or, "victory."

[496] 62:4 your land . his Or, "He will marry your land." This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word also means, "He will be the lord of the land."

[497] 62:5 your land . children Or, "Your builders will marry you."

[498] 62:11 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[499] 63:1 Edom A country southeast of Judah. It is also known as Seir after the mountain range by that name in Edom. The Edomites are descendants of Esau, Jacob's twin brother. At times, they were enemies of the Israelites.

[500] 63:1 Bozrah A city in the southern part of Edom.

[501] 63:3 winepress A place dug in rock used to mash grapes and collect the juice for making wine.

[502] 63:3 juice Or, "strong drink" or "blood."

[503] 63:6 blood Or, "strong drink" or "strength."

[504] 63:15 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.

[505] 63:16 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[506] 63:18 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[507] 64:5 we sinned . us Or, "But you became angry with us and we sinned."

[508] 64:8 potter Someone who makes pottery (jars, bowls, etc.) from clay. The Hebrew word also means "creator" or "a person who makes new things."

[509] 64:10 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[510] 64:11 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[511] 65:1 I helped . me Or, "I was ready to answer those who did not come to me for advice. I was ready to be found by those who did not look for me."

[512] 65:3 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[513] 65:3 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[514] 65:3 special gardens Gardens where people worshiped false gods.

[515] 65:7 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[516] 65:7 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[517] 65:10 Sharon Valley The lowlands along the coast of Palestine.

[518] 65:10 Valley of Achor A valley about ten miles north of Jerusalem.

[519] 65:11 my holy mountain Mount Zion, the mountain Jerusalem is built on.

[520] 65:11 Luck . Fate Two false gods. The people thought these gods controlled their futures.

[521] 65:14 My servants . sadness Literally, "My servants will rejoice with good hearts, and you will scream with painful hearts."

[522] 65:21 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[523] 66:3 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[524] 66:3 dogs . pigs God did not want his people to offer dogs and pigs as sacrifices.

[525] 66:3 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[526] 66:3 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[527] 66:6 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[528] 66:17 special gardens Gardens where people worshiped false gods.

[529] 66:18 my Glory See "Glory of the Lord" in the Word List.

[530] 66:19 Tarshish A city far away from Israel, probably in Spain, famous for its large ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

[531] 66:19 Libya A country in North Africa, west of Egypt.

[532] 66:19 Lud This country was probably in the country that is now western Turkey.

[533] 66:19 archer A person skilled in using a bow to shoot arrows.

[534] 66:19 Tubal This country was probably in what is now eastern Turkey.

[535] 66:20 my holy mountain This is probably Mount Zion, the mountain Jerusalem is built on.

[536] 66:20 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[537] 66:21 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[538] 66:23 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[539] 66:23 first day of the month Literally, "new moon." The first day of the Hebrew month. There were special meetings on these days when the people shared fellowship offerings as part of their worship to God.
