Isaiah 49

Chapter 481 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Chapter 50


God Calls His Special Servant

49 <1> Hear me, people by the sea.

Listen to me, you faraway nations.

The Lord called me before I was born.

The Lord called my name while I was still in my mother's womb.

<2> The Lord uses me to speak for him.

He uses me like a sharp sword.

[But he also protects me,] hiding me in his hand.

He uses me like a sharp arrow,

but he also hides me in his arrow bag.

<3> He told me, "Israel, you are my servant.

I will do wonderful things with you."

<4> I said, "I worked hard for nothing.

I wore myself out, but I did nothing useful.

I used all my power, but I did not really do anything.

So the Lord must decide what to do with me.

He must decide my reward.

<5> The Lord made me in my mother's womb,

so I could be his servant.

He said I would lead Jacob and Israel

back to him.

He will honor me.

I will get my strength from my God."

The Lord told me,

<6> "You are a very important servant to me.

The people of Israel are prisoners,

but they will be brought back to me.

The tribes of Jacob will come back to me.

But you have another job-

even more important than this one.

I will make you a light for all nations.

You will be my way to save

all the people on earth."

<7> The Lord, the Holy Protector of Israel,

speaks to his servant.

People hate that servant.

Nations despise him.

He is now a slave to rulers, but the Lord says,

"Kings will see you, and stand to honor you.

Great leaders will bow down to you."

This will happen for the Lord. The Holy One of Israel is the one who chose you, and he can be trusted.


The Day of Salvation

<8> The Lord says,

"There will be a special time

when I show my kindness.

At that time I will answer your prayers.

There will be a special day

when I save you.

At that time I will help you.

I will protect you.

And you will be the proof that I have

an agreement with the people.

The country is destroyed now,

but you will give the land back to the people who own it.

<9> You will tell the prisoners,

'Come out of your prison!'

You will tell those who are in darkness,

'Come out of the dark!'

The people will eat along the road.

They will have food even on empty hills.

<10> They will not be hungry or thirsty.

The hot sun and wind will not hurt them,

because their Comforter will lead them.

He will lead them by springs of water.

<11> I will make a road for my people.

The mountains will be made flat,

and the low roads will be raised.

<12> "Look! People are coming to me

from faraway places.

They are coming to me

from the north and from the west.

They are coming to me

from Aswan in Egypt."

<13> Heavens and earth, be happy!

Mountains, shout with joy!

The Lord comforts his people.

He is good to his poor people.

<14> But now Zion[434] says, "The Lord left me.

My Master forgot me."

<15> But the Lord says,

"Can a woman forget her baby?

Can she forget the child who came from her body?

Even if she can forget her children,

I cannot forget you.

<16> Look, I carved your name into my hand.

I think about you all the time.[435]

<17> Your children will come back to you,

and those who destroyed you will leave."

<18> Look up! Look all around you!

All of your children are gathering together and coming to you.

The Lord says,

"On my life, I promise you this:

Your children will be like jewels that you tie around your neck.

Your children will be like the necklace that a bride wears.

<19> You are destroyed and defeated now.

Your land is useless.

But after a short time, you will have

many people in your land.

And those who destroyed you

will be far, far away.

<20> You were sad for the children you lost, but they will tell you,

'This place is too small!

Give us a bigger place to live!'

<21> Then you will say to yourself,

'Who gave me all these children?

I was sad and lonely.

My children were taken away.

They were gone.

So who gave me these children?

Look, I was the only one left.

Where did all these children come from?'"

<22> The Lord my Master says,

"Look, I will wave my hand to the nations.

I will raise my flag for everyone to see.

Then they will bring your children to you.

They will carry your children

on their shoulders,

and they will hold them in their arms.

<23> Kings will be their teachers.

The daughters of kings will care for them.

The kings and their daughters

will bow down to you.

They will kiss the dirt at your feet.

Then you will know that I am the Lord,

and anyone who trusts in me will not be disappointed."

<24> If a strong soldier takes a prisoner,

can you set him free?

If a powerful soldier guards someone,

can the prisoner escape?

<25> Well, the Lord says,

"The prisoners will escape.

Someone will take these prisoners away from the strong soldier.

That is because I will fight your battles,

and I will save your children.

<26> Those people hurt you,

but I will force them to eat their own bodies.

Their own blood will be the wine that makes them drunk.

Then everyone will know

that the Lord saved you.

Everyone will know that

the Powerful One of Jacob saved you."
