
《比利时信条》第七条 圣经的完备性


《比利时信条》第七条 圣经的完备性


  我们不可以把任何人的著作看作与圣经具有同等价值,无论其作者多么敬虔;更也不可把人的习惯,或民意,或古风、或历代人的遗传,或教会会议所作的决议,或国家法令法规等,视为与神的真理具有同等价值,因为神的真理超乎一切5;因人都是说谎者,比虚空还要虚空。因此,我们要完全拒绝与此无谬真理相违背的事物6。正如使徒们所教导我们的: 总要试验那些灵是出于神的不是。照样:若有人到你们那里,不是传这教训,不要接他到家里,也不要问他的安。

   1.提后 3:16, 17; 彼前 1:10-12
   2.林前15:2; 提前1:3
   3.申 4:2, 箴30:6; 徒26:22; 林前4:6; 启22:18, 19.
   4.诗 19:7; 约15:15; 徒18:28; 徒20:27; 罗15:4.
   5.可7:7-9; 徒4:19; 西2:8; 约壹2:19.
   6.申 4:5, 6; 赛8:20; 林前3:11; 弗4:4-6; 帖后 2:2; 提后 3:14, 15.


  We believe that this Holy Scripture fully contains the will of God and that all that man must believe in order to be saved is sufficiently taught therein. The whole manner of worship which God requires of us is written in it at length. It is therefore unlawful for any one, even for an apostle, to teach otherwise than we are now taught in Holy Scripture: yes, even if it be an angel from heaven, as the apostle Paul says. Since it is forbidden to add to or take away anything from the Word of God, it is evident that the doctrine thereof is most perfect and complete in all respects.

  We may not consider any writings of men, however holy these men may have been, of equal value with the divine Scriptures; nor ought we to consider custom, or the great multitude, or antiquity, or succession of times and persons, or councils, decrees or statutes, as of equal value with the truth of God, since the truth is above all; for all men are of themselves liars, and lighter than a breath. We therefore reject with all our heart whatever does not agree with this infallible rule, as the apostles have taught us: Test the spirits to see whether they are of God. Likewise: If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting.
——2022年02月26日 ,谢谢你的浏览,福音家园-知识栏目, 你可以查阅更多关于 比利时信条   历代信条   教会   三位一体真神   神的属性   公义   真理   教会   分辨 的内容,本文网址 https://zyesu.com/zhishi/20045.htm






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