Proverbs 31

Chapter 301 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Ecc 1


Wise Words for a King

31 <1> These are the wise sayings that King Lemuel's mother taught him:

<2> I prayed for a son, and you are the son I gave birth to. <3> Don't waste your strength on women. Women destroy kings, so don't waste yourself on them. <4> Lemuel, it is not wise for kings to drink wine. It is not wise for rulers to want beer. <5> They may drink too much and forget what the law says. Then they might take away the rights of the poor. <6> Give beer to people without hope. Give wine to those who are in trouble. <7> Let them drink to forget their troubles. Let them forget they are poor.

<8> Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Help people who are in trouble. <9> Stand up for what you know is right, and judge all people fairly. Protect the rights of the poor and those who need help.


The Perfect Wife

<10> [67] How hard it is to find the perfect wife[68]

She is worth far more than jewels.

<11> Her husband depends on her.

He will never be poor.

<12> She does good for her husband all her life.

She never causes him trouble.

<13> She is always gathering wool and flax[69]

and enjoys making things with her hands.

<14> She is like a ship from a faraway place.

She brings home food from everywhere.

<15> She wakes up early in the morning,

cooks food for her family, and gives the servants their share.

<16> She looks at land and buys it.

She uses the money she has earned and plants a vineyard.

<17> She works very hard.

She is strong and able to do all her work.

<18> She works late into the night

to make sure her business earns a profit.

<19> She makes her own thread

and weaves her own cloth.

<20> She always gives to the poor

and helps those who need it.

<21> She does not worry about her family when it snows.

She has given them all good, warm clothes.

<22> She makes sheets and spreads for the beds,

and she wears clothes of fine linen.

<23> Her husband is a respected member of the city council, where he meets with the other leaders.

<24> She makes clothes and belts

and sells them to the merchants.[70]

<25> She is a strong person,[71] and people respect her.

She looks to the future with confidence.

<26> She speaks with wisdom

and teaches others to be loving and kind.

<27> She oversees the care of her house.

She is never lazy.

<28> Her children say good things about her.

Her husband brags about her and says,

<29> "There are many good women,

but you are the best."

<30> Grace and beauty can fool you,

but a woman who respects the Lord should be praised.

<31> Give her the reward she deserves.

Praise her in public for what she has done.
