Proverbs 28

Chapter 271 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Chapter 29


28 <1> The wicked are afraid of everything, but those who live right are as brave as lions.

<2> A lawless nation will have many bad leaders. But a smart leader will rule for a long time in a land where people obey the law.

<3> A leader who takes advantage of the poor is like a hard rain that destroys the crops.[61]

<4> Those who refuse to obey the law promote evil. Those who obey the law oppose evil.

<5> The wicked don't understand justice, but those who love the Lord understand it completely.

<6> It is better to be poor and honest than rich and evil.

<7> A smart son obeys the laws, but a son who spends time with worthless people brings shame to his father.

<8> If you get rich by charging high interest rates, your wealth will go to someone who is kind to the poor.

<9> When people do not listen to God's teachings, he does not listen to their prayers.

<10> Those who plan to hurt good people will fall into their own traps, but good things will happen to those who are good.

<11> The rich always think they are wise, but a poor person who is wise can see the truth.

<12> Everything is great when good people become leaders, but when the wicked rise to power, everyone hides.

<13> Whoever hides their sins will not be successful, but whoever confesses their sins and stops doing wrong will receive mercy.

<14> People who respect others will be blessed, but stubborn people will have plenty of troubles.

<15> An evil ruler over those who are helpless is like an angry lion or a charging bear.

<16> A foolish ruler hurts the people under him, but a ruler who hates wrong will rule for a long time.

<17> A murderer will never have peace. Don't support such a person.

<18> Honest people will be safe, but dishonest people will be ruined.

<19> Whoever works hard will have plenty to eat, but whoever wastes their time with dreams will always be poor.

<20> People who can be trusted will have many blessings, but those who are just trying to get rich in a hurry will be punished.

<21> It is wrong for a judge to support someone simply because he knows them. But some judges will change their decisions for the price of a loaf of bread.

<22> Selfish people only want to get rich. They do not realize that they are very close to being poor.

<23> Correct someone, and later they will thank you. That is much better than just saying something to be nice.

<24> Someone might steal from their parents and say, "I did nothing wrong." But that person is as bad as an enemy who smashes everything in the house.

<25> Greedy people might sue you in court, but those who trust the Lord are rewarded.

<26> It is foolish to be too confident. Those who ask for advice are wise and will escape disaster.

<27> Whoever gives to the poor will have plenty. Whoever refuses to help them will get nothing but curses.

<28> When the wicked rise to power, everyone hides. When they are defeated, good people multiply.
