Proverbs 12

Chapter 111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Chapter 13


12 <1> Whoever loves discipline loves to learn; whoever hates to be corrected is stupid.

<2> It is good to learn what pleases the Lord, because he condemns those who plan to do wrong.

<3> Evil people are never safe, but good people remain safe and secure.

<4> A good wife is like a crown to her husband, but a shameful wife is like a cancer.

<5> Good people are honest and fair in all they do, but those who are evil lie and cannot be trusted.

<6> Evil people use their words to hurt others, but the words from good people can save others from danger.

<7> When evil people are destroyed, they are gone and forgotten, but good people are remembered long after they are gone.

<8> You praise people for their intelligence, but no one respects those who are stupid.

<9> It is better to appear unimportant and have a servant than to pretend to be important and have no food.

<10> Good people take good care of their animals, but the wicked know only how to be cruel.[31]

<11> Farmers who work their land have plenty of food, but those who waste their time on worthless projects are foolish.

<12> The wicked want a share of what an evil man might catch. But like a plant with deep roots, a good man is the one who produces the most.[32]

<13> The wicked are trapped by their foolish words, but good people escape from such trouble.

<14> People get good things for the words they say, and they are rewarded for the work they do.

<15> Fools always think their own way is best, but wise people listen to what others tell them.

<16> Fools are easily upset, but wise people avoid insulting others.

<17> Good people speak the truth and can be trusted in court, but liars make bad witnesses.

<18> Speak without thinking, and your words can cut like a knife. Be wise, and your words can heal.

<19> Lies last only a moment, but the truth lasts forever.

<20> People who work for evil make trouble, but those who plan for peace bring happiness.

<21> The Lord will keep good people safe, but evil people will have many troubles.

<22> The Lord hates people who tell lies, but he is pleased with those who tell the truth.

<23> Smart people don't tell everything they know, but fools tell everything and show they are fools.

<24> Those who work hard will be put in charge of others, but lazy people will have to work like slaves.

<25> Worry takes away your joy, but a kind word makes you happy.

<26> Good people are careful about choosing their friends, but evil people always choose the wrong ones.

<27> Lazy people don't get what they want, but riches come to those who work hard.

<28> Along the path of goodness there is life; that is the way to live forever.[33]
