Proverbs 13

Chapter 121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Chapter 14


13 <1> A wise son listens to his father's advice, but a proud son will not listen to correction.

<2> People get good things for the words they say, but those who cannot be trusted say only bad things.

<3> People who are careful about what they say will save their lives, but those who speak without thinking will be destroyed.

<4> Lazy people always want things but never get them. Those who work hard get plenty.

<5> Good people hate lies, but the wicked do evil, shameful things.

<6> Goodness protects honest people, but evil destroys those who love to sin.

<7> Some people act like they are rich, but they have nothing. Others act like they are poor, but they are really rich.

<8> The rich might have to pay a ransom to save their lives, but the poor never receive such threats.

<9> The light of those who do right shines brighter and brighter, but the lamp of the wicked becomes darker and darker.[34]

<10> Pride causes arguments, but those who listen to others are wise.

<11> Money gained by cheating others will soon be gone. Money earned through hard work will grow and grow.

<12> Hope that is delayed makes you sad, but a wish that comes true fills you with joy.

<13> Those who reject a command hurt themselves; those who respect a command will be rewarded.

<14> The teaching of the wise is a source of life; their words will save you from deadly traps.

<15> People like a person with good sense, but life is hard for someone who cannot be trusted.

<16> Wise people always think before they do anything, but fools show how stupid they are by what they do.

<17> Disaster will catch up to the wicked messenger, but a runner who can be trusted will bring peace.

<18> If you refuse to learn from your mistakes, you will be poor, and no one will respect you. If you listen when you are criticized, you will be honored.

<19> People are happy when they get what they want. But stupid people want nothing but evil, and they refuse to change.

<20> Be friends with those who are wise, and you will become wise. Choose fools to be your friends, and you will have trouble.

<21> Trouble chases sinners wherever they go, but good things happen to good people.

<22> It is good to have something to pass down to your grandchildren. But wealth hidden away by sinners will be given to those who live right.

<23> The poor might have good land that produces plenty of food, but bad decisions can take it away.[35]

<24> If you don't correct your children, you don't love them. If you love them, you will be quick to discipline them.

<25> Good people will have plenty to eat, but the wicked will go hungry.
