Micah 5

Chapter 41 2 3 4 5 6 7Chapter 6


5 <1> Now strong city,[61] gather your soldiers!

They are surrounding us for the attack!

They will hit the Judge of Israel

on the cheek with a stick.


The Messiah to Be Born in Bethlehem

<2> But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

are the smallest town in Judah.

Your family is almost too small to count,

but the "Ruler of Israel" will come from you to rule for me.

His beginnings[62] are from ancient times,

from long, long ago.

<3> The Lord[63] will give up his people

until the woman gives birth to her child, the promised king.

Then the rest of his brothers

will come back to the people of Israel.

<4> Then the Ruler of Israel will stand

in the power of the Lord and

in the wonderful name of the Lord his God

and care for his people.

They will live in peace

because at that time his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.[64]

<5> There will be peace.

Yes, the Assyrian army will come into our country

and trample our large buildings.

But the Ruler of Israel[65] will choose

seven shepherds and eight leaders.[66]

<6> They will use their swords

and rule the Assyrians.

They will rule the land of Nimrod[67]

with their swords in hand.

They will use their swords

to rule those people.

But then the Ruler of Israel will save us from the Assyrians

when they come into our land and walk on our territory.

<7> But those from Jacob[68] who are still living and scattered among the nations

will be like dew from the Lord that does not depend on anyone.

They will be like rain on the grass

that does not wait for anyone.

<8> Those from Jacob who are still living

are scattered among the nations.

But they will be like a lion

among the animals in the forest.

They will be like a young lion

among flocks of sheep.

If the lion passes through,

he goes where he wants to go.

If he attacks an animal,

then no one can save it.

The survivors will be like that.

<9> You will lift your hand against your enemies,

and you will destroy them.


People Will Depend on God

<10> The Lord says,

"At that time I will take away your horses,

and I will destroy your chariots.[69]

<11> I will destroy the cities in your country.

I will pull down all your fortresses.[70]

<12> You will no longer try to do magic.

You will have no more fortune-tellers.[71]

<13> I will destroy your statues of false gods.

I will pull down your stones for remembering them

You will not worship what your hands have made.

<14> I will destroy the Asherah poles[72]

and your false gods.[73]

<15> Some nations will not listen to me,

but I will show my anger and get my revenge."
