Micah 2

Chapter 11 2 3 4 5 6 7Chapter 3


The Evil Plans of People

2 <1> Trouble will come to those who

make plans to sin.

They lie on their beds making their evil plans.

Then when the morning light comes, they do what they planned,

because they have the power to do what they want.

<2> They want fields,

so they take them.

They want houses,

so they take them.

They cheat a man

and take his house and his land.


The Lord's Plans to Punish the People

<3> That is why the Lord says:

"Look, I am planning trouble against this family.

You will not be able to save yourselves.[32]

You will stop being proud,

because bad times are coming.

<4> Then people will sing songs about you.

They will sing this sad song:

'We are ruined!

The Lord took away our land and gave it to other people.

Yes, he took my land away from me.

He has divided our fields [among our enemies].

<5> So we will not be able to measure the land

and divide it among the Lord's people.'"


Micah Is Asked Not to Prophesy

<6> The people say, "Don't prophesy[33] to us.

Don't say those bad things about us.

Nothing bad will happen to us."

<7> But people of Jacob,[34]

I must say these things.

The Lord is losing his patience

because of the bad things you did.

If you lived right,

then I could say nice words to you.

<8> But to my people, they are like an enemy.

You steal the clothes right off the backs

of people walking by.

Those people think they are safe,

but you take things from them like they are prisoners of war.[35]

<9> You have taken nice houses

away from the women of my people.

You have taken my wealth

away from their small children forever.

<10> Get up and leave!

This will not be your place of rest, because you ruined it.

You made it unclean, so it will be destroyed!

It will be a terrible destruction!

<11> These people don't want to listen to me.

But if a man comes telling lies,

then they will accept him.

They would accept a false prophet[36] if he comes and says,

"There will be good times in the future, with plenty of wine and beer."


The Lord Will Bring His People Together

<12> Yes, people of Jacob,[37]

I will bring all of you together.

I will bring together all those in Israel[38] who are still living.

I will put them together

like sheep in the sheep pen,

like a flock in its pasture.

Then the place will be filled

with the noise of many people.

<13> Then the "Crasher" will push through

and walk to the front of his people.

They will break through the gates and leave that city.

They will leave with their king marching before them-

with the Lord at the front of his people.
