Joel 3

Chapter 21 2 3Amo 1


Judah's Enemies Will Be Punished

3 <1> "Yes, at that time, I will bring back the people of Judah and Jerusalem from captivity. <2> I will also gather all the nations together. I will bring all these nations down into Jehoshaphat Valley.[21] There I will judge them. Those nations scattered my people, Israel. They forced them to live in other nations, so I will punish those nations. They divided up my land. <3> They threw lots[22] for my people. They sold boys to buy a prostitute, and they sold girls to buy wine to drink.

<4> "Tyre! Sidon! All of you areas of Philistia! You are not important to me![23] Are you punishing me for something I did? You might think that you are punishing me, but I will soon punish you. <5> You took my silver and gold. You took my precious treasures and put them in your temples.[24]

<6> "You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks. That way you could take them far from their land. <7> You sent my people to that faraway place, but I will bring them back. And I will punish you for what you did. <8> I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah. Then they will sell them to the faraway Sabeans.[25]" This is what the Lord said.


Prepare for War

<9> Announce this among the nations:

Prepare for war!

Wake up the strong men!

Let all the men of war come near.

Let them come up!

<10> Beat your plows into swords.

Make spears from your pruning hooks.[26]

Let the weak man say,

"I am a strong soldier."

<11> All of you nations, hurry!

Come together in that place.

Lord, bring your strong soldiers.

<12> Wake up, nations!

Come to Jehoshaphat Valley.

There I will sit to judge

all the surrounding nations.

<13> Bring the sickle,[27]

because the harvest is ripe.[28]

Come, walk on the grapes,

because the winepress is full.

The barrels will be full and spilling over,

because their evil is great.

<14> There are many, many people

in the Valley of Decision.[29]

The Lord's special day is near

in the Valley of Decision.

<15> The sun and the moon will become dark.

The stars will stop shining.

<16> The Lord God will shout from Zion.[30]

He will shout from Jerusalem,

and the sky and the earth will shake.

But the Lord God will be a safe place

for his people.

He will be a place of safety

for the people of Israel.

<17> "Then you will know

that I am the Lord your God.

I live on Zion, my holy mountain.

Jerusalem will become holy.

Strangers will never pass through

that city again."


A New Life for Judah Promised

<18> "On that day, the mountains will drip

with sweet wine.

The hills will flow with milk,

and water will flow through all the empty rivers of Judah.

A fountain will come from

the Lord's Temple.[31]

It will give water to Acacia Valley.

<19> Egypt will be empty.

Edom will be an empty wilderness,

because they were cruel to the people of Judah.

They killed innocent people[32]

in their country.

<20> But there will always be people

living in Judah,

People will live in Jerusalem

through many generations.

<21> Those people killed my people,

so I really will punish them!"

The Lord God will live in Zion[33]!
