Genesis 49

Chapter 361 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50Chapter 38


Jacob Blesses His Sons

49 <1> Then Jacob called all his sons to him. He said, "All my sons, come here to me. I will tell you what will happen in the future.

<2> "Children of Jacob, gather around.

Come listen to Israel, your father.



<3> "Reuben, my first son,

you are my first child,

the first proof of my power as a man.

You were the most honored

and powerful of all my sons.

<4> But your passion was like a flood

you couldn't control.

So you will not remain

my most honored son.

You climbed into your father's bed

and slept with one of his wives.

You brought shame to my bed,

to the bed you lay on.


Simeon and Levi

<5> "Simeon and Levi are brothers.

They were violent with their swords.

<6> They planned evil things in secret.

My soul wants no part in their plans.

I will not accept their secret meetings.

They killed men when they were angry

and crippled animals for fun.

<7> Their anger is so strong that it is a curse.

They are too cruel when they are angry.

They will not get their own land in the land of Jacob.

They will be spread throughout Israel.



<8> "Judah, your brothers will praise you.

You will defeat your enemies.

Your brothers will bow down to you.

<9> Judah is like a young lion.

My son, you are like a lion

standing over the animal it killed.

Judah is like a lion.

He lies down to rest,

and no one is brave enough to disturb him.

<10> Men from Judah's family will be kings.

The sign that his family rules

will not leave his family, before the real king comes.[243]

Then many people will obey and serve him.

<11> He ties his donkeys to the best grapevines.

He washes his clothes in the best wine.

<12> His eyes are red from drinking wine.

His teeth are white from drinking milk.[244]



<13> "Zebulun will live near the sea.

His seacoast will be a safe place for ships.

His land will continue as far as the city of Sidon.



<14> "Issachar is like a donkey that has worked too hard.

He will lie down under his heavy load.

<15> He will see his land is pleasant

and that his resting place is good.

But he will agree to carry heavy loads;

he will agree to work as a slave.



<16> "Dan[245] will lead his people

like one of the families of Israel.

<17> Dan will be like a snake

at the side of the road.

He will be like a dangerous snake

lying near the path.

That snake bites a horse's foot,

and the rider falls to the ground.

<18> "Lord, I am waiting for your salvation.



<19> "A group of robbers will attack[246] Gad,

but Gad will chase them away.



<20> "Asher's land will grow much good food.

He will have food fit for a king!



<21> "Naphtali is like a deer running free

and his words like their beautiful babies.



<22> "Joseph is like a wild donkey,

like a young donkey by a spring,

like colts grazing in a pasture.[247]

<23> People attacked him

and made life hard for him.

Men with arrows became his enemies.

<24> But he won the fight

with his mighty bow and his skillful arms.

He gets power from the Mighty One of Jacob,

from the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,

<25> the God of your father who helps you.

"May God All-Powerful bless you

and give you blessings from the sky above and from the deep below.

May he give you blessings from breast and womb.

<26> My parents had many good things happen to them.

And I, your father, was blessed even more.

Your brothers left you with nothing.

But now I pile all my blessings on you, as high as a mountain.



<27> "Benjamin is like a hungry wolf.

In the morning he kills and eats.

In the evening he shares what is left."

<28> These are the twelve families of Israel. And this is what their father said to them. He gave each son a blessing that was right for him. <29> Then Israel gave them a command. He said, "When I die, I want to be with my people. I want to be buried with my ancestors[248] in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite. <30> That cave is in the field of Machpelah near Mamre. It is in the land of Canaan. Abraham bought that field from Ephron so that he could have a burying place. <31> Abraham and his wife Sarah are buried in that cave. Isaac and his wife Rebekah are buried in that cave. I buried my wife Leah in that cave. <32> That cave is in the field that was bought from the Hittites." <33> After Jacob finished talking to his sons, he lay down, put his feet back on the bed, and died.