2 Samuel 22

Chapter 211 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Chapter 23


David's Song of Praise to the Lord

22 <1>[132] David sang this song at the time the Lord saved him from Saul and all his other enemies.

<2> The Lord is my Rock,[133]

my Fortress,[134] my Place of Safety.

<3> He is my God,

the Rock I run to for protection.

God is my shield.

His power saves me.[135]

The Lord is my hiding place,

my place of safety, high in the hills.

He saves me from the cruel enemy.

<4> They made fun of me.

But I called to the Lord for help,

and I was saved from my enemies!

<5> Waves of death were crashing around me.

I was caught in a flood

carrying me to that place of death.[136]

<6> Ropes of the grave were all around me.

Traps of death lay before me.

<7> Trapped, I called to the Lord for help.

Yes, I called to my God.

God was in his temple.

He heard my voice.

He heard my cry for help.

<8> The earth shook and trembled.

The foundations of heaven shook,

because the Lord was angry!

<9> Smoke came from God's nose.[137]

Burning flames came from his mouth,

Burning sparks flew from him.

<10> The Lord tore open the sky and came down!

He stood on a thick, dark cloud!

<11> He flew across the sky

riding on the Cherub angels,

riding on the wind.

<12> The Lord wrapped the dark clouds

around him like a tent.

He gathered the water

into the thick thunderclouds.

<13> Sparks like burning coal flew

from the bright light around him!

<14> The Lord thundered from the sky!

God Most High let his voice be heard.

<15> He shot his arrows[138]

and scattered the enemy.

He sent out lightning,

and the people scattered in confusion.

<16> Lord, you spoke strongly;

a powerful wind blew from your mouth.[139]

Then the bottom of the sea could be seen,

and the earth's foundations could be seen.

<17> The Lord reached down from above.

He grabbed me and pulled me out of the deep water of trouble.

<18> My enemies were stronger than I was.

They hated me.

They were too strong for me,

so God saved me.

<19> I was in trouble

and my enemies attacked me.

But the Lord was there to support me!

<20> The Lord loves me,

so he rescued me.

He took me to a safe place.

<21> I did what was right,

so the Lord rewarded me.

I did nothing wrong,

so he did good things for me.

<22> Why? Because I obeyed the Lord!

I did not sin against my God.

<23> I always remember the Lord's decisions.

I obey his laws!

<24> I was pure and honest to him.

I kept myself from doing wrong.

<25> So the Lord gave me my reward,

because I did what is right!

The way he sees it,

I did nothing wrong.

<26> Lord, to those who really love you,

you show your faithful love.

To those who are true to you,

you will be true to them.

<27> Lord, you are good and pure

to those who are good and pure.

But, you can outsmart

the smartest, sneakiest crook.

<28> Lord, you help the humble,

but you bring shame to the proud.

<29> Lord, you are my lamp.

The Lord lights up the darkness around me!

<30> With your help, Lord,

I can run with the soldiers.

With his help,

I can climb over enemy walls.

<31> God's way is perfect.

The Lord's word has been tested.

He protects those who trust him.

<32> There is no God except the Lord.

There is no Rock except our God.

<33> God is my strong fort.

He helps pure people live right.[140]

<34> God helps me run fast like a deer!

He keeps me steady in high places.

<35> God trains me for war,

so my arms can shoot a powerful bow.[141]

<36> God, you protected me

and helped me win.

You helped me defeat my enemy.

<37> Make my legs and ankles strong

so I can walk fast without stumbling.

<38> I will chase my enemies,

until I destroy them!

I will not come back

until they are destroyed!

<39> I destroyed my enemies.

I defeated them!

They will not get up again.

Yes, my enemies fell under my feet.

<40> God, you made me strong in battle.

You make my enemies fall before me.

<41> You gave me a chance

to strike at my enemy's neck,

and I cut my opponent down.

<42> My enemies looked for help,

but there was no one to save them.

They even looked to the Lord,

but he did not answer them.

<43> I beat my enemies into pieces.

They were like dust on the ground.

I crushed my enemies.

I walked on them like mud in the streets.

<44> You saved me from the people

who fought against me.

Keep me as ruler of those nations.

People I don't even know will serve me.

<45> People from other lands obey me!

When they hear my command, they quickly obey me.

Those foreigners are afraid of me!

<46> They wilt with fear.

They come out of their hiding places shaking with fear.

<47> The Lord is alive.

I praise my Rock!

God is great!

He is the Rock who saves me.

<48> He is the God who punished my enemies for me.

He put people under my rule.

<49> God, you saved me from my enemies!

You helped me defeat those who stood against me.

You save me from cruel men.

<50> Lord, that is why I praise you among the nations.

This is why I sing songs about your name.

<51> The Lord helps his king win many battles!

He shows his faithful love for his chosen king.[142]

He will be loyal to David and to his descendants forever!
