[1] 1:2 clothes . head This showed that the man was very sad.

[2] 1:6 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[3] 1:14 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[4] 1:18 Book of Jashar An ancient book about the wars of Israel.

[5] 1:20 Gath The Philistine capital city.

[6] 1:20 Ashkelon One of the five major Philistine cities.

[7] 1:20 foreigners Literally, "uncircumcised." This shows that the Philistines had not shared in Israel's Agreement with God.

[8] 2:1 take control Literally, "go up against."

[9] 2:4 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[10] 2:5 burying him The bodies of both Saul and Jonathan were burned and their bones were buried. See 1 Sam. 31:12.

[11] 2:9 Israel Sometimes this means the whole country, Judah and Israel. Here, it means only the tribes that were not united with Judah.

[12] 2:16 The Field of the Sharp Knives Or, "Helkath Hazzurim."

[13] 2:21 armor The special clothes soldiers wore to protect themselves in war.

[14] 2:24 Joab and Abishai Brothers of Asahel, the man who Abner killed. See verse 18.

[15] 3:7 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[16] 3:8 I am not . Judah Literally, "Am I a dog's head of Judah?"

[17] 3:9-10 Dan to Beersheba This means the whole nation of Israel, north and south. Dan was a town in the northern part of Israel and Beersheba was in the southern part of Judah.

[18] 3:14 I killed . to get her Literally, "I paid for her with 100 Philistine foreskins." See 1 Sam. 18:20-30; 25:44.

[19] 3:29 leprosy A very bad skin disease. The word in the text has a broad sense, which may include many different types of skin disease.

[20] 3:39 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[21] 4:12 young helpers Young men who carried a soldier's weapons into battle but were not yet soldiers themselves.

[22] 5:1 one family Literally, "your flesh and blood."

[23] 5:3 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[24] 5:6 You cannot come . city The city of Jerusalem was built on a hill. It had high walls around it, making it hard to capture.

[25] 5:7 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[26] 5:8 Whenever . throat Or, "Whoever wants to attack the Jebusites must go through the shaft." This might refer to a tunnel or shaft leading up into the city through Gihon Spring, which was outside the city walls.

[27] 5:8 temple Or, "the king's palace." The Law of Moses forbids people to mutilate their bodies, so these people were excluded from the temple area.

[28] 5:9 Millo This is probably the stone foundation walls that were built on the steep slopes on the east side of the City of David.

[29] 5:9 inward Or, "toward the Temple."

[30] 5:13 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[31] 5:17 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[32] 5:20 Baal Perazim This name means "the Lord breaks through."

[33] 5:24 Or, "From the top of the balsam trees you will be able to hear them marching into battle. Then you must act quickly, because at that time the Lord will go ahead of you and defeat the Philistines for you."

[34] 6:2 Baalah in Judah Another name for Kiriath Jearim. See 1 Chron. 13:6.

[35] 6:2 Holy Box See "Box of the Agreement."

[36] 6:2 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[37] 6:5 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[38] 6:5 cymbals A pair of circular metal plates that are hit against each other to make a loud sound.

[39] 6:6 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[40] 6:8 Perez Uzzah This name means "The Punishment of Uzzah."

[41] 6:10 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[42] 6:10 Obed Edom from Gath A person from the tribe of Levi who lived near Jerusalem.

[43] 6:14 ephod A special vest (coat) worn by the Israelite high priest. See Ex. 28:6-14.

[44] 6:17 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[45] 6:17 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[46] 6:20 You took off . girls David was wearing a special vest (ephod) usually worn by priests. We don't know how much of his body was covered.

[47] 7:2 Holy Box See "Box of the Agreement."

[48] 7:10-11 make . family of kings Literally, "make a house for you."

[49] 7:14 father . son God "adopted" the kings from David's family, and they became his "sons." See Ps. 2:7.

[50] 7:17 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[51] 8:1 area of land around Gath Or, "villages controlled by the mother city" or "Metheg-Ammah." See 1 Chron. 18:1.

[52] 8:2 tribute Money paid to a foreign king or nation for protection.

[53] 8:4 David . soldiers This is from the ancient Greek version and a Hebrew manuscript from Qumran. The standard Hebrew text has, "1700 horse soldiers"

[54] 8:4 He cripples . horses Or, "He destroyed all but 100 chariots."

[55] 8:7 shields Or, "bow cases."

[56] 8:8 Tebah The Hebrew has "Betah." See 1 Chron. 18:8.

[57] 8:11 dedicate To set apart something for God or for a special purpose, which means it can then be used only for that purpose.

[58] 8:13 Edomites The Hebrew has "Arameans."

[59] 8:18 Kerethites and Pelethites These were David's special bodyguards. An ancient Aramaic version has "the archers and stone throwers." This would mean these men were specially trained in using bows and arrows and slings.

[60] 8:18 priests Or, "important leaders."

[61] 10:16 Hadadezer The ancient Greek version has Hadarezer. Also in verse 19.

[62] 11:8 relax Literally, "wash your feet."

[63] 11:11 Holy Box See "Box of the Agreement."

[64] 12:7 chose Literally, "anointed." See the Word List.

[65] 12:11 and everyone will know it Literally, "in the sight of the sun."

[66] 12:12 so that all . can see it Literally, "before all of Israel and before the sun."

[67] 12:25 Jedidiah This name means "loved by the Lord."

[68] 12:30 their king's head Or, "Milcom's head." Milcom was a false god that the Ammonites worshiped.

[69] 12:30 75 pounds Literally, "1 talent" (34.5 kg).

[70] 13:1 Amnon Amnon was half-brother to Absalom and Tamar. They all had David as their father, but Amnon had a different mother. See 2 Sam. 3:2, 3.

[71] 13:2 virgin A woman, especially a young woman, who is not married and has never had sexual relations.

[72] 13:2 He thought . sick Or, "Amnon thought of a plan to pretend he was sick."

[73] 13:18 many colors Or, "stripes."

[74] 13:19 Tamar tore . crying This was the way people showed how very sad and upset they were.

[75] 13:20 She . Absalom's house Or, "She lived in her brother Absalom's house, a ruined woman."

[76] 13:21 but he did not . Amnon This is from the ancient Greek version and a manuscript from Qumran. It is not in the standard Hebrew text.

[77] 13:31 tore his clothes . ground This showed that he was very sad and upset.

[78] 13:37 Talmai . king of Geshur Talmai was Absalom's grandfather. See 2 Sam. 3:3.

[79] 14:26 five pounds Literally, "200 shekels by the king's weight."

[80] 15:1 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[81] 15:2 gate This was where people came to do all of their business. This was also where many court cases were held.

[82] 15:7 four years Some ancient writings say "40 years."

[83] 15:12 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[84] 15:16 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[85] 15:23 people Literally, "country."

[86] 15:24 Box of God's Agreement See "Box of the Agreement."

[87] 15:24 said prayers Literally, "went up." This could mean "burn incense," "offer sacrifices," or it might mean simply that Abiathar stood to one side, by the Holy Box, until all of the people passed by.

[88] 15:27 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[89] 15:27 You are a seer . peace Or, "You do see, don't you, that you should go back to the city in peace."

[90] 15:32 coat was torn . head This showed that he was very sad.

[91] 16:3 Mephibosheth Literally, "your master's grandson."

[92] 16:7 murderer Literally, "man of blood."

[93] 16:21 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[94] 16:22 wives Or, "concubines." See "slave woman" in the Word List.

[95] 17:11 Dan to Beersheba This means the whole nation of Israel, north and south. Dan was a town in the northern part of Israel, and Beersheba was in the southern part of Judah.

[96] 17:18 courtyard An open area outside the house. Many houses were built around courtyards so that people could work, cook, or eat outside.

[97] 17:23 tomb A grave dug in a wall of rock or a building where a dead body is buried. It can also be a small building made to show respect for important people who had died.

[98] 17:25-26 Amasa took Joab's place Joab still supported David. Joab was one of the three captains in David's army when David was running away from Absalom. See 2 Sam. 18:2.

[99] 17:25-26 Ishmaelite This is from the ancient Greek version. The Hebrew has "Israelite," but see 1 Chron 2:17.

[100] 17:25-26 His mother . Zeruiah Literally, "Ithra had sexual relations with Abigail, the daughter of Nahash sister of Zeruiah."

[101] 18:9 above the ground Literally, "between heaven and earth."

[102] 18:13 you would punish me Or, "you would have opposed me."

[103] 19:5 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[104] 19:8 city gate This was where the public meetings were held.

[105] 19:10 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[106] 19:20 Joseph's family This probably means the Israelites who followed Absalom. Many times the name Ephraim (a son of Joseph) is used for all the tribes in northern Israel.

[107] 19:21 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[108] 19:23 The king . not kill Shimei David did not kill Shimei. But a few years later, David's son Solomon ordered Shimei to be put to death. See 1 Kings 2:44-46.

[109] 19:24 grandson Literally, "son."

[110] 19:28 grandfather's Literally, "father's."

[111] 19:43 ten shares in David Judah and Benjamin were two of the tribes that later became the kingdom of Judah after the kingdom split. The other ten tribes were in the kingdom of Israel.

[112] 20:2 Israelites Here, this means the tribes not united with Judah.

[113] 20:3 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[114] 20:3 David . special house David's son Absalom had ruined David's concubines by having sexual relations with them. See 2 Sam. 16:21-22.

[115] 20:7 Kerethites and Pelethites David's special group of fighting men. Also in verse 23.

[116] 20:8 sheath A leather or metal case for carrying a sword or knife.

[117] 20:14 Berites Or, "Bicrites."

[118] 20:26 personal priest Or, "chief servant" or "advisor."

[119] 21:1 famine A time when there is not enough rain for crops to grow, causing people and animals to die without enough food or water.

[120] 21:1 family of murderers Literally, "house of blood."

[121] 21:2 The Israelites . them This happened in Joshua's time when the Gibeonites tricked the Israelites. Read Josh. 9:3-15.

[122] 21:6 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[123] 21:7 David had made . to Jonathan David and Jonathan promised each other they would not harm each other's families. Read 1 Sam. 20:12-23, 42.

[124] 21:8 Mephibosheth This is another man named Mephibosheth, not Jonathan's son.

[125] 21:10 rock This might be the Big Rock at Gibeon (read 2 Sam. 20:8), the rock that the bodies were lying on, or a rock that marked the place where her sons were buried.

[126] 21:11 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[127] 21:12 Beth Shan Or possibly, "Beth Shean."

[128] 21:16 one of the giants Or, "a son of Rapha (Rephaim)." Also in verses 18, 20, 22.

[129] 21:16 7 1/2 pounds Literally, "300 shekels of bronze" (3.45 kg).

[130] 21:19 Lahmi . Gath See 1 Chron. 20:5.

[131] 21:19 post Literally, "a weaver's rod," the large beam across a loom.

[132] 22:1 Chapter 22 This song is also found in Ps. 18.

[133] 22:2 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[134] 22:2 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[135] 22:3 His power saves me Literally, "He is the horn of my salvation."

[136] 22:5 place of death Or, "the place of no return, the grave."

[137] 22:9 Smoke . nose Or, "in his anger, smoke rose [from him]."

[138] 22:15 arrows That is, "lightning."

[139] 22:16 mouth Or, "nostrils."

[140] 22:33 live right Literally, "walk in his ways."

[141] 22:35 shoot a powerful bow Or, "string a bronze bow." This probably refers to the most powerful bow of that time; a bow made of wood, sinew, horn, and possibly bronze.

[142] 22:51 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[143] 23:1 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[144] 23:1 the sweet singer of Israel Or, "The most pleasant of the songs of Israel."

[145] 23:5 God . secure Or, "Hasn't God made my family strong?"

[146] 23:8 Josheb Basshebeth the Tahkemonite Or, "Jashobeam the Hacmonite." See 1 Chron. 11:11.

[147] 23:8 king's special forces A special group of soldiers who formed three-man squads and went on special missions for the king.

[148] 23:8 Josheb Basshebeth . time The Hebrew text for this verse is unclear. The translation follows 1 Chron. 11:11 and the ancient Greek version.

[149] 23:9 Eleazar son of Dodai Or, "Eleazar his cousin."

[150] 23:11 lentils Small round beans.

[151] 23:13 Thirty Heroes Or, "the king's special forces." These men were David's famous group of very brave soldiers. Also in verses 23, 24.

[152] 23:13 Three . David Here, the Hebrew is hard to understand, but compare 1 Chron. 11:15.

[153] 23:14 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[154] 23:16 Three Heroes These were David's three bravest soldiers. Also in verses 18, 22.

[155] 23:20 powerful man That is, a man from the warrior class. He is ready to protect his people in war.

[156] 23:24 Elhanan son of Dodo Or, "his (Ashahel's) nephew, Elhanan."

[157] 23:37 armor The special clothes soldiers wore to protect themselves in war.

[158] 24:2 Dan to Beersheba This means the whole nation of Israel, north and south. Dan was a town in the northern part of Israel, and Beersheba was in the southern part of Judah. Also in verse 15.

[159] 24:11 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[160] 24:16 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[161] 24:16 Araunah Also spelled "Ornan." Also in verses 18, 22, 24.

[162] 24:18 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[163] 24:18 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[164] 24:22 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[165] 24:22 yoke A pole that was put across the shoulders of men, usually slaves, or animals and used in pulling or carrying heavy loads.
