Song of Solomon 3

Chapter 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Chapter 4


She Speaks

3 <1> At night on my bed,

I look for the man I love.

I looked for him, but I could not find him.

<2> I will get up now!

I will go around the city.

In the streets and squares,

I will look for the man I love.

I looked for him,

but I could not find him.

<3> The guards patrolling the city found me.

I asked them,

"Have you seen the man I love?"

<4> I had just left the guards

when I found the man I love!

I held him.

I would not let him go,

while I took him to my mother's house,

to the room of she who bore[24] me.


She Speaks to the Women

<5> Women of Jerusalem, promise me,

by the gazelles[25] and wild deer,

don't awaken love,

don't arouse love, until I am ready.[26]


The Women of Jerusalem Speak

<6> Who is this woman

coming from the desert[27]

[with this large group of people]?

The dust rises behind them

like clouds of smoke from burning myrrh[28] and frankincense[29] and other spices.[30]

<7> Look, Solomon's traveling chair.[31]

There are 60 soldiers guarding it,

strong soldiers of Israel.

<8> All of them are trained fighting men

with their swords at their side,

ready for any danger of the night.

<9> King Solomon made a traveling chair for himself.

The wood came from Lebanon.

<10> The poles were made from silver,

and the supports were made from gold.

The seat was covered with purple cloth.

It was inlaid with love by the women of Jerusalem.

<11> Women of Zion, come out

and see King Solomon.

See the crown[32] his mother put on him

the day he was married,

the day he was so happy!
