Psalms 82


One of Asaph's songs of praise.

<1> God stands in the assembly of the gods.[471]

He is the judge in that meeting of the gods.

<2> He says,

"How long will you judge people unfairly

and show special favors to the wicked?"


<3> "Defend the poor and orphans.

Protect the rights of those poor people.

<4> Help those poor, helpless people.

Save them from evil people.

<5> "They[473] don't know what is happening.

They don't understand!

They don't know what they are doing,

Their world is falling down around them!"

<6> I, God Most High, say,

"You are gods,[474] my own sons.

<7> But you will die

like all people must die.

You will die

like all other leaders."

<8> Get up, God!

You be the judge!

You be the leader over all the nations!

