Psalms 81


To the director,[461] on the gittith.[462] One of Asaph's songs.

<1> Be happy and sing to God, our strength.

Shout with joy to the God of Jacob.[463]

<2> Begin the music.

Play the tambourines.

Play the pleasant harps and lyres.[464]

<3> Blow the ram's horn

at the time of the new moon,[465]

Blow the ram's horn

at the time of the full moon,[466]

when our festival begins.

<4> That is a law for the people of Israel.[467]

The God of Jacob gave the command.

<5> God made this agreement with Joseph's people,

when God led them out of Egypt.

In Egypt we heard that language

we didn't understand.

<6> God says, "I took the load from your shoulder.

I let you drop the worker's basket.

<7> You people were in trouble.

You called for help and I set you free.

I was hidden in the storm clouds, and I answered you.

I tested you by the water at Meribah.[468]"


<8> "My people, I am warning you.

Israel, listen to me!

<9> Don't worship any of the false gods

that the foreigners worship.

<10> I, the Lord, am your God.

I brought you out of Egypt.

Israel, open your mouth,

and I will feed you.

<11> "But my people did not listen to me.

Israel did not obey me.

<12> So I let them go their own stubborn way

and do whatever they wanted.

<13> If my people would listen to me and would live the way I want,

<14> then I would defeat their enemies.

I would punish those who cause them trouble.

<15> The Lord's enemies would shake with fear.

They would be punished forever.

<16> God would give the best wheat to his people.

He would give them the purest honey,

until they were satisfied."[470]

