Psalms 74


A maskil[412] of Asaph.

<1> God, why have you turned away from us for so long?

Why are you so angry with us, your own flock?

<2> Remember the people you bought so long ago.

You saved us, and we belong to you.

Remember Mount Zion,[413]

the place where you lived.

<3> God, come walk through these ancient ruins.

Come back to the Holy Place

that the enemy destroyed.

<4> The enemy shouted their war cries in the Temple.[414]

They put up their flags there to show they had won the war.

<5> Their soldiers attacked the doors,

like workmen chopping down trees.

<6> Using axes and hatchets,

they smashed the carved panels in your Temple.

<7> They burned your Holy Place.

That Temple was built to honor your name,

but they pulled it down to the ground.

<8> The enemy decided to crush us completely.

They burned every holy place[415]

in the country.

<9> We do not see any of our signs.[416]

There are no more prophets.

No one knows how long this will last.

<10> God, how much longer will the enemy make fun of us?

Will you let them insult your name forever?

<11> Why won't you help us?

Use your power to defeat our enemies!

<12> God, you have been our King for a long time.

You helped us win many battles in this country.

<13> You used your great power,

to split open the sea.

<14> You defeated the great sea monsters!

You smashed the heads of Leviathan[417]

and left his body for the animals to eat.

<15> You make the springs and rivers flow,

and you make the rivers dry up.

<16> You control the day and the night.

You made the moon and the sun.

<17> You set the limits for everything on earth.

And you created summer and winter.

<18> Lord, remember,

the enemy insulted you!

Those foolish people hate your name!

<19> Don't let those animals take your dove!

Don't forget your poor people forever.

<20> Remember the agreement you gave us!

There is violence in every dark place

in this land.

<21> Your people were treated badly.

Don't let them be hurt any more.

Your poor, helpless people praise you.

<22> God, get up and defend yourself!

Remember, those fools challenged you!

<23> Don't forget the shouts of your enemies.

They insulted you again and again.


