Psalms 73



(Psalms 73-89)

Asaph's song of praise.

<1> God is so good to Israel,[405]

to those whose hearts are pure.

<2> But I almost slipped and lost my balance.

I almost fell into sin.

<3> I saw that wicked people were successful,

and I became jealous of those proud people.

<4> They are healthy.

They don't have to struggle to survive.[406]

<5> They don't suffer like the rest of us.

They don't have troubles like other people.

<6> So they are proud and hateful.

This is as easy to see as the jewels and fancy clothes they wear.

<7> If they see something they like, they go and take it.

They do whatever they want.

<8> They say cruel, evil things about other people.

They are proud and stubborn,

and they are always planning ways to take advantage of others.

<9> They think they are gods!

They think they are the rulers of earth.

<10>[407] Even God's people turn to them

and do what they say.

<11> Those evil people say,

"God does not know what we are doing!

God Most High does not know!"

<12> Those proud people are wicked,

but they are rich and getting richer.

<13> So why should I make my heart pure?

Why should I make my hands clean?

<14> God, I suffer all day long,

and you punish me every morning.

<15> God, I wanted to talk to others about these things.

But I knew I would be betraying your people.

<16> I tried hard to understand these things,

but it was all too hard for me,

<17> until I went to your Temple.[408]

I went to God's Temple,

and then I understood.

<18> God, you really have put those people

in a dangerous situation.

It is so easy for them to fall and be destroyed.

<19> Trouble can come suddenly,

and then they will be ruined.

Terrible things can happen to them,

and then they will be finished.

<20> Then they will be like a dream

that we forget when we wake up.

You will make them disappear

like the monsters in our dreams.

<21-22> I was very stupid.

I thought about such people, and I became upset.

God, I was upset and angry with you!

I acted like a stupid, ignorant animal.

<23> But look at what I have!

I am always with you.

You hold my hand.

<24> You lead me and give me good advice,

and later you will lead me to glory.[409]

<25> God, I have you in heaven.

And if I am with you, what on earth can I want?

<26> Maybe my mind[410] and body will be destroyed,

but I have the Rock[411] I love.

I have God forever!

<27> God, people who leave you will be lost.

You will destroy those who are not faithful to you.

<28> As for me, I have come to God,

and that is good.

I have made the Lord my Master, my place of safety.

God, I have come to tell about what you have done.

