Psalms 69


To the director.[382] To the tune "The Lilies." A song of David.[383]

<1> God, save me from all my troubles!

The water has risen to my mouth.

<2> There is nothing to stand on.

I am sinking down, down into the mud.

I am in deep water,

and the waves are crashing around me.

I am about to drown.

<3> I am getting weak from calling for help.

My throat is hurting.

I have waited and looked for help from you

until my eyes are hurting.

<4> I have more enemies

than the hairs on my head.

They hate me for no reason.

They try hard to destroy me.

My enemies tell lies about me.

They lied and said I stole things.

And then they forced me to pay

for things I did not steal.

<5> God, you know my faults.

I cannot hide my sins from you.

<6> My Master, Lord All-Powerful,

don't let your followers be ashamed of me.

God of Israel,[384] don't let me be an embarrassment to those who come to worship you.

<7> My face is covered with shame.

I carry this shame for you.

<8> My own brothers treat me like a stranger.

They act as if I came from a foreign land.

<9> My strong devotion to your Temple[385] is destroying me.

Those who insult you are also insulting me.

<10> When I spend time crying and fasting,[386]

they make fun of me.

<11> When I wear sackcloth[387] to show my sorrow,

they tell jokes about me.

<12> They talk about me in public places.

The beer drinkers make up songs about me.

<13> As for me, this is my prayer to you, Lord:

I want you to accept me!

God, I want you to answer me with love.

I know I can trust you to save me.

<14> Pull me from the mud,

and do not let me sink.

Save me from the people who hate me.

Save me from this deep water.

<15> Don't let the waves drown me.

Don't let the deep sea swallow me.

Don't let the grave close its mouth on me.

<16> Lord, your love is good.

Answer me with your faithful love.

With all your kindness,

turn to me and help me!

<17> Don't turn away from your servant.

I am in trouble!

Hurry, help me!

<18> Come save my soul.

Rescue me from my enemies.

<19> You know my shame.

You know my enemies humiliated me.

You saw them do it.

<20> The shame has crushed me!

I am about to die from shame.

I waited for sympathy,

but none could be found.

I waited for someone to comfort me,

but no one came.

<21> They gave me poison, not food.

They gave me vinegar, not wine.

<22> Their tables are covered with food.

They have such big fellowship meals.

May those meals destroy them.

<23> Let them become blind

and their backs become weak.

<24> Let them feel all of your anger.

<25> Make their homes empty.

Don't let anyone live there.

<26> They try to hurt people you have already punished.

They tell everyone about the suffering you gave them.

<27> Punish them for the bad things they have done.

Don't show them how good you can be.

<28> Erase their names from the Book of Life.

Don't write their names in the book with the names of the good people.

<29> I am sad and hurting.

God, lift me up. Save me!

<30> I will praise God's name in song.

I will write a song that honors him.

<31> This will make the Lord happy!

This will be better than killing a bull

and offering the whole animal as a sacrifice.[388]

<32> Poor people, you came to worship God.

You will be happy to know these things.

<33> The Lord listens to poor, helpless people.

He still likes those who are in prison.

<34> Praise him, heaven and earth!

Sea and everything in it, praise him!

<35> God will save Zion.[389]

He will rebuild the cities of Judah.

Those who own the land

will live there again!

<36> The descendants of his servants

will get that land.

Those who love his name

will live there.


