Psalms 68


To the director.[368] A praise song of David.[369]

<1> God, get up and scatter your enemies.

May all your enemies run from you.

<2> May your enemies be scattered,

like smoke blown away by the wind.

May your enemies be destroyed,

like wax melting in a fire.

<3> But let good people be happy.

Let them gather together before God and enjoy themselves together.

<4> Sing to God.

Sing praises to his name.

Prepare the way for God

as he rides his chariot over the clouds.

His name is Yah.[370]

Praise his name!

<5> In the holy place he lives, God is like a father to orphans,

and he takes care of widows.

<6> God provides homes for those who are lonely.

He frees people from prison, and makes them happy.

But those who turn against God

will have to live in the desert.

<7> God, you led your people out of Egypt.

You marched across the desert,

<8> and the ground shook,


and rain poured from the sky,

when God, the God of Israel,[372] came to Mount Sinai.

<9> God, you sent the rain

to make a tired, old land strong again.

<10> Your people[373] came back to live there,

and you gave many good things to the poor.

<11> My Master gave the command,

and many people went to tell the good news:

<12> "The armies of powerful kings ran away!

At home, women will divide the things

that soldiers bring from the battle.

<13> The people who stayed home

will share in the wealth.

They will get the dove wings covered with silver.

They will get the wings sparkling with gold."

<14> On Mount Zalmon, God scattered the enemy kings like falling snow.

<15> Mount Bashan is a great mountain with many peaks.

<16> But Bashan, why do you look down on Mount Zion[374]?

God loves Mount Zion.

That is where the Lord chose to live forever.

<17> My Master, coming from Sinai in holiness,

rode among his millions of chariots.[375]

<18> You went up on the high mountain,

leading a parade of captives.

You received gifts from men,[376]

even those who turned against you.

The Lord[377] God went up there to live.

<19> Praise the Lord my Master!

Every day he helps us with the loads we must carry.

God is the one who saves us.


<20> He is our God.

He is the God who saves us.

The Lord my Master saves us from death.

<21> God will smash the heads of his enemies.

He will punish those

who fought against him.[378]

<22> My Master said,

"Even if they run to the mountains of Bashan or to the depths of the sea,

I will capture them and bring them back.

<23> So you will march through pools of their blood,

and there will be plenty left for your dogs."

<24> God, everyone can see your victory parade-

the victory march led by my holy God and King!

<25> Singers come marching in front,

followed by the musicians, surrounded by young girls playing tambourines.

<26> Praise God in the meeting place![379]

Praise the Lord, people of Israel!

<27> There is little Benjamin, leading them!

And there is the great family of Judah!

And there are the leaders of Zebulun and Naphtali!

<28> God, show us your power!

Show us the power you used for us in the past.

<29> Kings will bring their wealth to you,

to your Temple[380] in Jerusalem.

<30> Punish the people in Egypt.

They are like cattle in the marshes, like bulls among the calves.

You humiliated them.

You scattered them in war.

Now let them come crawling to you,

bringing their pieces of silver.

<31> Messengers from Egypt

will come bearing their gifts.

Ethiopia will send God their tribute.[381]

<32> Kings on earth, sing to God!

Sing songs of praise to our Master!


<33> Sing to God!

He rides his chariot through the ancient skies.

Listen to his powerful voice!

<34> Sing praise to God,

whose majesty is over Israel

and whose power is in the skies.

<35> God, you are awesome in your Temple!

The God of Israel is the one who gives strength and power to his people.

Praise God!
