Psalms 38


A song of David[192] for the day of remembrance.[193]

<1> Lord, don't criticize me

when you are angry.

Don't discipline me in anger.

<2> You have hurt me.

You punished me and hurt me deeply.

<3> You punished me severely,

now my whole body is sore.

I sinned, so all my bones hurt.

<4> My guilt is like a heavy burden.

I am sinking beneath its weight.

<5> I did a foolish thing,

now I have infected sores that stink.

<6> I am bent and bowed down.

I am depressed all day long.

<7> I am burning with fever,

and my whole body hurts.

<8> I hurt so much I cannot feel anything.

My pounding heart makes me scream!

<9> My Master, you heard my groaning.

You can hear my sighs.

<10> My heart is pounding.

My strength is gone, and I am going blind.[194]

<11> Because of my sickness,

my friends and neighbors will not visit me;

my family will not come near me.

<12> My enemies say bad things about me.

They are spreading lies and rumors.[195]

They talk about me all the time.

<13> But I am like a deaf person

who cannot hear.

I am like a mute person

who cannot speak.

<14> I am like someone who cannot hear

what people are saying about them.

I cannot argue and prove

that my enemies are wrong.

<15> Lord, you must defend me.

God, my Master, you must speak for me.

<16> If I say anything,

then my enemies will laugh at me.

They will see I am sick

and say that I am being punished for doing wrong.

<17> I know I am guilty of doing wrong.

I cannot forget my pain.

<18> Lord, I told you about the bad things I did.

I am worried about my sins.

<19> But my enemies are alive and healthy,

and they have told many lies.

<20> I did nothing but good,

and they paid me back with evil.

I try to do what is right,

but that only makes them turn against me.

<21> Lord, don't leave me.

My God, stay close to me.

<22> Come quickly, and help me.

My God, save me.
