Psalms 37

37 [188]

David's [song].

<1> Don't get upset about evil people.

Don't be jealous of those who do wrong.

<2> They are like grass and other green plants

that dry up quickly and then die.

<3> So trust in the Lord and do good.

Live on your land and be dependable.[189]

<4> Enjoy serving the Lord,

and he will give you what you ask for.

<5> Depend on the Lord.

Trust in him, and he will make it happen.

<6> Let your goodness and fairness

shine like the sun at noon.

<7> Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help.

Don't be angry when bad people make evil plans and succeed.

<8> Don't become angry and upset enough that you, too, want to do evil.

<9> Evil people will be destroyed,

but those who call to the Lord for help

will get the land he promised.

<10> In a short time there will be no more evil people.

You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.

<11> Humble people will get the land God promised,

and they will enjoy peace.

<12> The wicked plan bad things for those who are good.

They show their teeth in anger at them.

<13> But our Master will laugh at them.

He will make sure they get what they deserve.

<14> The wicked draw their swords to kill the poor and the helpless.

They aim their arrows to murder all who live right.

<15> But their bows will break,

and their swords will pierce their own hearts.

<16> A few good people are better

than a large crowd of evil people.

<17> Why? Because evil people will be destroyed,

but the Lord cares for good people.

<18> The Lord protects pure people all their life.

Their reward will continue forever.

<19> When trouble comes,

good people will not be destroyed.

When times of hunger come,

good people will have plenty to eat.

<20> But evil people are the Lord's enemies,

and they will be destroyed.

Their valleys will dry up and burn.

They will be destroyed completely.

<21> Bad people quickly borrow money

and never pay it back.

But good people are kind and generous.

<22> When a good person blesses others,

they get the land God promised.

When a good person curses others,

they will be destroyed.

<23> The Lord shows us how we should live,

and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.

<24> If they stumble, they will not fall

because the Lord reaches out to steady them.

<25> I was young, and now I am old,

but I have never seen good people left with no one to help them;

I have never seen their children begging for food.

<26> They are kind and generous,

and their children are a blessing.

<27> Stop doing anything evil, and do good,

and you will always have a place to live.

<28> The Lord loves what is right,

and he will never leave his followers without help.

He will always protect them,

but he will destroy the families of the wicked.

<29> Good people will get the land God promised

and live on it forever.

<30> Those who are good give good advice.

Their decisions are always fair.

<31> They have learned God's teachings,

and they will never stop living right.[190]

<32> Bad people are always looking

for ways to kill good people.

<33> But the Lord will not abandon good people

when they are trapped by bad people.

He will not let good people be judged guilty.

<34> Do what the Lord says,

and wait for his help.

He will reward you and give you the land he promised,

as you watch the wicked being forced to leave.

<35> I once saw a wicked man who was powerful.

He was like a strong, healthy tree.

<36> But then he was gone.

I looked for him, but I couldn't find him.

<37> Be pure and honest.

Peace loving people will have many descendants.

<38> But those who break the law

will be destroyed completely.

And their descendants

will be forced to leave the land.[191]

<39> The Lord saves good people.

When they have troubles, he is their strength.

<40> The Lord helps good people

and rescues them.

They depend on him,

so he rescues them from bad people.
