Jonah 2

Chapter 11 2 3 4Chapter 3


2 <1> While Jonah was in the stomach of the fish, he prayed to the Lord his God. He said,

<2> "I was in very bad trouble.

I called to the Lord for help,

and he answered me.

I was deep in the grave.[8]

I cried to you, Lord,

and you heard my voice.

<3> "You threw me into the sea.

Your powerful waves splashed over me.

I went down, down into the deep sea.

The water was all around me.

<4> Then I thought,

'Now I must go where you cannot see me,'

but I continued looking to your holy Temple[9] for help.

<5> "The seawater closed over me.

The water covered my mouth,

and I could not breathe.[10]

I went down, down into the deep sea.

Seaweed wrapped around my head.

<6> I was at the bottom of the sea,

the place where mountains begin.

I thought I was locked in this prison forever,

but the Lord my God took me out of my grave.

God, you gave me life again!

<7> "My soul gave up all hope,

but then I remembered the Lord.

Lord, I prayed to you,

and you heard my prayers in your holy Temple.

<8> "Some people worship useless idols,

but those statues never help them.[11]

<9> Salvation comes only from the Lord!

Lord, I will give sacrifices to you,

and I will praise and thank you.

I will make special promises to you,

and I will do what I promise."

<10> Then the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out of its stomach onto the dry land.
