Jeremiah 9

Chapter 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52Chapter 10


9 <1> If my head were filled with water,

and if my eyes were a fountain of tears,

I would cry day and night

for my people who have been destroyed.

<2> If only I had a place in the desert,

a house where travelers spend the night,

so I could leave my people.

I could go away from them,

because they are all unfaithful to God.

They have all turned against him.

<3> "They use their tongues like a bow;

lies fly from their mouths like arrows.

Lies, not truth, have grown strong in this land.

They go from one sin to another.

They don't know me."

This is what the Lord said.

<4> "Watch your neighbors!

Don't trust your own brothers,

because every brother is a cheat.

Every neighbor talks behind your back.

<5> Everyone lies to their neighbor.

No one speaks the truth.

The people of Judah have taught

their tongues to lie.

They sinned until they were too tired

to come back.

<6> One bad thing followed another,

and lies followed lies.

The people refused to know me."

This is what the Lord said.

<7> So the Lord All-Powerful says:

"A worker heats metal in a fire to test to see if it is pure.

I will test the people of Judah like that.

I have no other choice.

My people have sinned.

<8> The people of Judah have tongues

that are like sharp arrows.

Their mouths speak lies.

Everyone speaks kindly to their neighbor,

but they are secretly planning ways to attack their neighbor.

<9> I should punish the people of Judah."

This message is from the Lord.

"You know that I should punish

that kind of people.

I should give them the punishment

that they deserve."

<10> I, Jeremiah, will cry for the mountains.

I will sing a funeral song for the empty fields,

because all the animals were taken away.

No one travels there now.

The sounds of cattle cannot be heard.

The birds have flown away,

and the animals are gone.

<11> "I, the Lord, will make the city of Jerusalem a pile of garbage.

It will be a home for jackals.[74]

I will destroy the cities in the land of Judah,

so no one will live there."

<12> Is there a man who is wise enough to understand these things?

Is there someone who has been taught by the Lord?

Can anyone explain his message?

Why was the land ruined?

Why was it made like an empty desert where no people go?

<13> The Lord answered,

"It is because the people of Judah stopped following my teachings.

I gave them my teachings,

but they refused to listen to me.

They did not follow my teachings.

<14> The people of Judah lived their own way.

They were stubborn.

They followed the false god Baal.[75]

Their fathers taught them to follow those false gods."

<15> So the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, says,

"I will soon make the people of Judah

eat bitter food and drink poisoned water.

<16> I will scatter the people of Judah throughout other nations.

They will live in strange nations

that they and their fathers never knew about.

I will send men with swords.

They will kill the people of Judah.

They will kill them until the people are finished."

<17> This is what the Lord All-Powerful says:

"Now think about these things!

Call for the women who get paid to cry at funerals.

Send for the people who are good at that job.

<18> [The people say,]

'Let those women come quickly and cry for us.

Then our eyes will fill with tears,

and streams of water will come out of our eyes.'

<19> "The sound of loud crying is heard from Zion:

'We are really ruined!

We are so ashamed!

We must leave our land, because our houses have been destroyed.

Now our houses are only piles of rock.'"

<20> Now, women of Judah,

listen to the message from the Lord.

Listen to the words from his mouth.

"Teach your daughters how to cry loudly.

Each woman must learn to sing this funeral song:

<21> 'Death has come.

Death climbed in through our windows.

Death came into our palaces.

Death has come to our children

who play in the streets.

Death has come to the young men

who meet in the public places.'

<22> "Jeremiah, say this:

'The Lord says, Dead bodies will lie in the fields like dung.

Their bodies will lie on the ground like grain a farmer has cut.

But there will be no one to gather them.'"

<23> The Lord says: "The wise must not brag

about their wisdom.

The strong men must not brag

about their strength.

The rich must not brag

about their money.

<24> But if someone wants to brag,

then let them brag about this:

Let them brag that they learned to know me.

Let them brag that they understand that I am the Lord,

that I am kind and fair, and that I do good things on earth.

I love these things."

This message is from the Lord.

<25> This message is from the Lord. "The time is coming when I will punish all those who are circumcised[76] only in the body. <26> I am talking about the people of the nations of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and all those who live in the desert. The men in all those countries really were not circumcised in their bodies. But the people from the family of Israel were not circumcised in their hearts."
