Amos 3

Chapter 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Chapter 4


Warning to Israel

3 <1> People of Israel, listen to this message! This is what the Lord said about you, Israel. This message is about all the families that I brought from the land of Egypt. <2> "There are many families on earth, but you are the only family I chose to know in a special way. [And you turned against me,] so I will punish you for all your sins."


The Cause of Israel's Punishment

<3> Two people will not walk together

unless they have agreed to do so.

<4> A lion will roar in the forest

only if it catches its prey.

A young lion roaring in his cave

means he has caught something to eat.

<5> A bird doesn't fly into a trap

unless there is food in it.

If a trap closes,

it will catch the bird.

<6> If people hear an alarm,

they will shake with fear.

If trouble comes to a city,

the Lord caused it to happen.

<7> When the Lord my Master decides to do something, he will first tell his servants, the prophets. <8> When a lion roars, people are frightened. When the Lord speaks, prophets prophesy.[36]

<9-10> Go to the high towers in Ashdod[37] and Egypt and announce this message: "Come to the mountains of Samaria. There you will see great confusion, because the people don't know how to live right. They were cruel to other people. They took things from other people and hid those things in their high towers. Their treasuries are filled with things they took in war."

<11> So the Lord says, "An enemy will come to that land and take away your strength. He will take the things you hid in your high towers."

<12> The Lord says,

"A lion might attack a lamb,

and a shepherd might try to save the lamb.

But the shepherd will save

only a part of that lamb.

He might pull two legs

or a part of an ear from the lion's mouth.

In the same way, most of the people of Israel will not be saved.

Those who live in Samaria

will save only a corner from a bed, or a piece of cloth from a couch."

<13> This is what my Master, the Lord God All-Powerful, says: "Warn the family of Jacob[38] about these things. <14> Israel sinned, and I will punish them for their sins. And when I do, I will also destroy the altars[39] at Bethel.[40] The horns of the altar[41] will be cut off and fall to the ground. <15> I will destroy the winter house with the summer house. The houses of ivory will be destroyed. Many houses will be destroyed." This is what the Lord said.
