[1] 1:1 apostle A follower of Jesus chosen to represent him in a special way. During his earthly ministry, Jesus named twelve men as apostles, to whom he gave the specific responsibility and authority to represent him and proclaim his message throughout the world. Later, he appeared to Paul and gave him a similar commission, especially to the non-Jews. Barnabas, Paul's missionary companion, and James, the brother of Jesus, are also called apostles, as well as several others in the New Testament. Some of these occurrences of the word, however, have the more general sense of "messenger" or "emissary."

[2] 1:3 message See "Good News."

[3] 1:4 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[4] 1:5 elders (New Testament) A group of men chosen to lead a church. Also called "overseers" and "pastors" (shepherds), they have the work of caring for God's people. See Acts 14:23; 20:17, 28; Eph. 4:11; Php. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Tit. 1:5-9; 1 Pet. 5:1-3.

[5] 1:6 faithful to God This word can mean "trustworthy" or "believers." Here, both meanings may be included. Compare this verse with 1 Tim. 3:4.

[6] 1:7 elder Here, literally, "overseer." See "elders" in the Word List.

[7] 1:10 circumcise, circumcision Cutting off the foreskin of the male sex organ, which was done to every Jewish baby boy. It was a mark of the agreement God made with Abraham. Read Gen. 17:9-14.

[8] 2:11 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[9] 2:13 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[10] 3:5 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[11] 3:7 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[12] 3:15 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.
