Psalms 89


A maskil[501] from Ethan the Ezrahite.

<1> I will sing forever about the Lord's love.

I will sing about his faithfulness forever and ever!

<2> I really believe your love continues forever.

Your loyalty continues forever and ever like the skies!

<3> You said,

"I made an agreement with my chosen king.

I made a promise to my servant, David:

<4> David, I will make your family continue forever.

I will make your kingdom continue forever and ever."


<5> Lord, the heavens praise you

for the amazing things you do.

The assembly of holy ones

sings about your loyalty.

<6> No one in heaven is equal to the Lord.

None of the "gods" can compare to the Lord.

<7> God meets together with the holy ones.

Those angels are all around him.

They fear and respect God.

They stand in awe of him.

<8> Lord God All-Powerful,

there is no one like you.

We can trust you completely.

<9> You proudly rule the sea.

You can calm its angry waves.

<10> God, you defeated Rahab.[503]

You scattered your enemies

with your own powerful arm.

<11> Everything in heaven and earth belongs to you, God.

You made the world and everything in it.

<12> You created everything north and south.

Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon

sing praises to your name.

<13> You have the power!

Your power is great!

The victory is yours!

<14> Your kingdom is built on truth and justice.

Love and faithfulness are servants

before your throne.

<15> Lord, your loyal followers are happy.

They live in the light of your kindness.

<16> Your name always makes them happy.

They praise your goodness.

<17> You are their amazing strength.

Their power comes from you.

<18> The king, our protector, belongs to the Lord,

who is the Holy One of Israel.

<19> Lord, you once spoke in a vision to your followers:

"I chose a young man from the crowd,

and I made him important.

I made that young soldier strong.

<20> I found my servant David,

and I anointed[504] him as king with my special oil.

<21> I will support him with my right hand,

and my arm will make him strong.

<22> So no enemy will ever get control over him.

The wicked will never defeat him.

<23> I will destroy his enemies before his eyes.

I will defeat those who hate him.

<24> I will always love and support him.

I will always make him strong.

<25> I will put him in charge of the sea.

He will control the rivers.

<26> He will say to me,

'You are my father.

You are my God, my Rock,[505] my Savior.'

<27> And I will make him my firstborn[506] son.

He will be the great king on earth.

<28> My love will protect him forever.

My agreement with him will never end.

<29> I will make his family continue forever.

His kingdom will continue as long as the skies.

<30> If his descendants stop following my law

and stop obeying my commands,

then I will punish them.

<31> If his descendants break my laws

and ignore my commands,

<32> then I will punish them severely for their sins and wrongs.

<33> But I will never take my love from him.

I will never stop being loyal to him.

<34> I will not break my agreement with David.

I will never change what I said.

<35> By my holiness, I made a promise to him,

and I would not lie to David!

<36> His family will continue forever.

His kingdom will last as long as the sun.

<37> It will continue forever, like the moon.

The sky is a witness to the agreement that can be trusted."


<38> But God, you became angry with your chosen king,[507]

and you left him all alone.

<39> You rejected your agreement.

You threw the king's crown into the dirt.

<40> You pulled down the walls of the king's city.

You destroyed all his fortresses.

<41> Everyone passing by steals from him.

His neighbors laugh at him.

<42> You made all the king's enemies happy

and let his enemies win the war.

<43> You helped them defend themselves.

You did not help your king win the battle.

<44> You did not let him win.

You threw his throne to the ground.

<45> You cut his life short.

You shamed him.


<46> Lord, how long will this continue?

Will you ignore us forever?

Will your anger burn like a fire forever?

<47> Remember how short my life is.

You created us to live a short life and then die.

<48> No one will live and never die.

No one will escape the grave.


<49> God, where is the love you showed in the past?

You promised David that you would be

loyal to his family.

<50-51> Master, please remember how people insulted your servant. Lord, I had to listen to all the insults from your enemies.

They insulted your chosen king wherever he went.

<52> Praise the Lord forever!

Amen and Amen[508]!


