Psalms 84


To the director,[478] on the gittith.[479] A song of praise from the Korah family.

<1> Lord All-Powerful, your Temple[480] is really lovely!

<2> Lord, I cannot wait to enter your Temple.[481]

I am so excited!

Every part of me crys out to be with the Living God.

<3> Lord All-Powerful, my King, my God,

even the birds have found a home in your Temple.

They make their nests near your altar,

and there they have their babies.

<4> People living at your Temple

are very fortunate.

They continue to praise you.


<5> People coming to the Temple

with songs in their heart are very happy!

They know where they are going.

<6> They travel through Baca Valley,

which God has made like a spring.

Autumn rains form pools of water.[483]

<7> The people travel from town to town[484]

on their way to Zion,[485] where they will meet with God.

<8> Lord God All-Powerful, listen to my prayer.

God of Jacob,[486] listen to me.


<9> God, protect our protector.[487]

Be kind to your chosen king.[488]

<10> One day in your Temple is better

than a thousand days in any other place.

Standing at the gate of my God's house

is better than living in the house of a wicked man.

<11> The Lord is our protector and glorious king.[489]

God blesses us with kindness and glory.

The Lord gives every good thing

to those who follow and obey him.

<12> Lord All-Powerful,

those who trust in you are really blessed!

