Psalms 62


To the director.[344] To Jeduthun. A song of David.[345]

<1> I must calm down and turn to God;

only he can rescue me.

<2> He is my Rock,[346] the only one who can save me.

He is my high place of safety, where no army can defeat me.

<3> How long will you attack me?

I am like a leaning wall, a fence ready to fall.

<4> In spite of my important position,

those people are planning to destroy me.

It makes them happy

to tell lies about me.

In public, they say good things about me,

but in private, they curse me.


<5> I must calm down and turn to God;

he is my only hope.

<6> He is my Rock, the only one who can save me.

He is my high place of safety, where no army can defeat me.

<7> My victory and honor come from God.

He is the mighty rock, where I am safe.

<8> People, always put your trust God!

Tell him all your problems.

God is our place of safety.


<9> People cannot really help.

You cannot depend on them.

Compared to God, they are like nothing,

like a gentle puff of air!

<10> Don't trust in your power to take things by force.

Don't think you will gain anything by stealing.

And if you become rich,

don't trust in your riches to help you.

<11> God says there is one thing you can really depend on

(and I believe it):

"Strength comes from God!"

<12> My Master, your love is real.

You reward or punish people for what they do
