Psalms 58


To the director.[319] To the tune"Don't Destroy." A miktam[320] of David.

<1> You judges are not being fair in your decisions.

You are not judging people fairly.

<2> No, you only think of evil things to do.

You do violent crimes in this country.

<3> Those wicked people started doing wrong

as soon as they were born.

They have been liars from birth.

<4> Their anger is as dangerous as snake venom.[321]

And, like cobras that cannot hear,

they refuse to listen to the truth.

<5> Cobras cannot hear the music or songs of snake charmers,

and those wicked people are like that as they make their evil plans.[322]

<6> God, they are like lions.

So Lord, break their teeth.

<7> May they disappear

like water down a drain.

May they be crushed

like weeds on a path.[323]

<8> May they be like snails melting away

as they move.

May they be like a baby born dead,

who never saw the light of day.

<9> May they be destroyed quickly,

like thorns that burn too fast to heat the pot.

<10> A good man will be happy

when he sees wicked people punished

for the bad things they did to him.

He will be like a soldier

who defeated all his enemies![324]

<11> When that happens, everyone will say:

"Good people really are rewarded.

There really is a God judging the world!"[325]
