Psalms 55


To the director.[305] With instruments. A maskil[306] of David.

<1> God, hear my prayer.

Please don't ignore my prayer for mercy.

<2> Please listen to me and answer me.

Let me speak to you and tell you what upsets me.

<3> Like an enemy, they yelled at me and threatened me.

They were angry and attacked me.

They brought troubles crashing down on me.

<4> My heart is pounding inside me.

I am scared to death.

<5> I am trembling with fear.

I am terrified!

<6> Oh, I wish I had wings like a dove.

I would fly away and find a place to rest.

<7> I would go far into the desert and stay there.


<8> I would run away.

I would escape from this storm of trouble.

<9> My Master, stop their lies.

I see the violence and fighting

in this city.

<10> Day and night, in every neighborhood,

the city is filled with crime and trouble.

<11> There is so much crime in the streets.

People are lying and cheating everywhere.

<12> If it were an enemy insulting me,

I could bear it.

If it were my enemies attacking me,

I could hide.

<13> But it is you, my companion,

my colleague, my close friend, who does this.

<14> We used to share our secrets with one another,

as we walked through the crowds together in God's Temple.[308]

<15> I wish death would take my enemies by surprise!

I wish the earth would open up and swallow them alive[309]

because they plan such terrible things together.

<16> I will call to God for help,

and the Lord will answer me.

<17> I speak to God evening, morning, and noon.

I tell him what upsets me, and he listens to me!

<18> I have fought in many battles,

but God has always rescued me and brought me back safely.

<19> God, who has always ruled as king,

will hear me and punish my enemies.


But they will never change.

They don't fear and respect God.

<20> This one who was once my friend now attacks his friends.

He is breaking every promise he made.

<21> His words about peace are as smooth as butter,

but he has only war on his mind.

His words are as slick as oil,

but they cut like a knife.

<22> Give your worries to the Lord,

and he will care for you.

He will never let those who are good be defeated.

<23> But, God, you will send those liars and murderers to their grave.

They will die before their life is half finished!

As for me, I will put my trust in you
