Psalms 42



(Psalms 42-72)

To the director.[223] A maskil[224] from the Korah family.

<1> Like a deer drinking from a stream,

I reach out to you, my God.[225]

<2> My soul thirsts for the living God.

When can I go to meet with him?

<3> Instead of food, I have only tears day and night,

as my enemies laugh at me and say,

"Where is your God?"

<4> My heart breaks as I remember the pleasant times in the past,

when I walked with the crowds as I led them up to God's Temple.[226]

I remember the happy songs of praise

as they celebrated the festival.

<5> Why am I so sad?

Why am I so upset?

I tell myself,

"Wait for God's help!

You will have a chance to praise him again.

God will save you."

<6> So I tell myself,

"I will remember you from here

where I am-on this small hill,[227] where Mount Hermon and the Jordan River meet."

<7> I hear the roar of the water coming from deep within the earth.

It shouts to the water below as it tumbles down the waterfall.

Lord, your waves come one after another,

crashing all around and over me.[228]

<8> By day the Lord shows his faithful love,

and at night I have a song for him- a prayer for the God of my life.[229]

<9> I say to God, my Rock,[230]

"Why have you forgotten me?

Why must I suffer this deep sadness that comes from the cruelty of my enemies?"

<10> Their constant insults are killing me.

They never stop asking, "Where is your God?"

<11> Why am I so sad?

Why am I so upset?

I tell my myself,

"Wait for God's help!

You will have a chance to praise him again.

God will save you."
